New Laptop Again

    I think most of you know about my recent laptop troubles.  If not, you can check them out, here and here.  Anyways, I sold enough stuff on ebay (mostly comics, but a few other things as well) to go purchase a new laptop.  Talk about fun stuff.

    I went to Best Buy after work yesterday and looked around for a bit.  I only saw one that I liked, but it was the floor model.  I decided to go to Staples to see what they had.  Everything they had was out of my price range.

    So I went back to Best Buy and played with the floor model again.  I tested it out a bunch and really liked how it felt.  A bunch of the other ones were a pain in the ass to use.  I would either not like how heavy they were or how it felt typing with them.  I asked the guy (once I was able to find someone) if the floor model was worth purchasing.  He said that it still comes from the warranty and that it had only been out for a week.  I decided that it was definitely worth the price, so I purchased it.

    The guy tells me that it will take 2-3 hours for them to reset it back to factory preferences.  They would call me when it was ready.  I went to Barnes and Noble to look at a book or magazine before I went to eat at Panera Bread.  Well, I got sucked into reading a certain book (do not worry, I will discuss this in another post) and a bunch of magazines.  I killed about two hours and then went to eat (without anything to read). 

    Once I was finished eating, I decided to head to Best Buy to see how much longer it would take.  I got another awesome tech guy there.  Geek Squad.  They should be called the Legion of Uber-Assholes.  I have never had a good experience with them.

    This is our conversation:
    Me:   Hey, is my computer ready?
    AssBag:  Did we call you?
    Me:  No, but the other guy said it would take about two to three hours.
    AssBag:  Ugh, let me check.  [goes over to computer]  Nope, it is only at 11%, we just started it. 
    Me:  Oh, so how long will it take?
    AssBag:  Probably six or seven more hours.

    I went home and kept thinking about how much I hated Best Buy.  I mean seriously, that place is the worst.  Unfortunately, it is about the only place where you can get any technology.  There are no computer stores in this area anymore. 

    And this is not the first time I have had problems with Best Buy.  Probably not the last time either.  Anyways, I have a new laptop and I am sitting here typing this from it, so life is pretty good.