Marilyn Exhibition @ Getty Images Gallery

    Getty Images Gallery have out done themselves with their latest exhibition, Marilyn, which commemorates 50 years since the icons untimely death in 1962. Featuring a stunning collection of photographs, as well as some of Marilyn's iconic film costumes and dresses, this exhibition is a must see. 

    We all know that this woman was more than her fair share of photogenic, so of course, lingering over each image is a dream. But it's the dresses that seem to get the most attention, hence all the smudgy nose prints on the glass! What I loved most, was how worn they looked, with sequins missing around seams, patched up holes and general wear and tear - these dresses look like they hold some good stories! Their fragility only seems to emphasise how real they are, making you catch your breathe as you come to terms with the realisation that Marilyn Monroe was actually in them at one point! Very surreal. One thing i will say, is that yes, the dresses are nice, but my God, it was the way that woman wore them, that made them so special.

    Make sure you pop your head into this little gallery, for a glimpse into old-school Hollywood glamour.
    Costume for There's No Business Like Showbusiness, 1954
    A costume worn by Marilyn for a feature in Life magazine in 1958, with photographer Richard Avedon.
    A dress from The Prince and the Showgirl, 1957. Made from white silk and chiffon, with delicate beaded embellishment. After watching My Week with Marilyn, with Michelle Williams this week, seeing this dress was even more special.
    The famous dance scene from the film, re-created in My Week with Marilyn, by the awesome Michelle Williams - uncanny.
    One of the most iconic -  THE dress from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 1956.
    Another costume from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, but the scene was cut in editing...
    Costume worn in the 1956 film Bustop.

    Dress worn to the premiere of The Rose Tattoo, 1955, in the company of the dashing Marlo Brando.
    Probably my favourite...a dress from Some like it Hot, 1959, designed by legendary Hollywood costume designer Orry - Kelly (who incidentally won an Oscar for best costume for this film). The dress was considered very risque for the time, due to the sheer panelling. Apparently, it was so tight, that Marilyn had to be lifted onto the piano for the number, I'm through with love. Man, she looks hot in this dress!
    It is so nice to see this dress in colour and i never realised how gorgeous the back was...
    Exhibition ends May 19th