Fantasy Baseball Draft Results

    A new season is upon us and for once, we actually had people join the league.  16 teams (at one point I was afraid we might have 18 or 20).  I know some people have some fears about a league of this size, but allow me to say that it excites me.  I just wish that I knew we had this many people from the beginning so we could have discussed adjusting roster sizes.  Oh well, always next year.  If this is successful though (meaning, highly competitive), then I think we should discuss making this a keeper league and doing it every year.  Just a thought.  Anyways, on to the draft results.

    Allow me to introduce the teams:
    Burnett's Eye:  Sean (7th place last year)
    Oviedo Pseudonyms:  Gideon's friend?
    academic challenge:  Michelle (8th place last year)
    Swing'nTheBigStick:  Gideon's friend?
    Fuck You All:  James (3rd place last year)
    A Chore to Four!:  Ryan (1st place-3x in a row)
    DC Buccos:  Jason Offord (5th place)
    Something Clever:  Me (6th place)
    Game Changers:  Don (JasonI's dad)
    Babe Carruth:  Gideon's friend?
    El Natural:  No idea
    Smutty Bastards:  Dustin (friend of mine)
    Big Jacker:  David (2nd place last year)
    losing in 3rd:  JasonI (4th place last year)
    Darvishsanity!:  Gideon (9th place last year)
    Pittsburgh Peas:  Pat (11th place last year)

    I like the idea of having two divisions.  Mainly because it changes things up a little bit.  Yahoo divided the league up, and it actually worked out well.  Okay, moving on.

    Rounds 1-3
    As you can see, I had the second pick.  Unfortunately, Lindsey's computer would not log into Yahoo for me.  I did not get there until the second round.  If I had been there, I may have taken Kemp, but most likely I would have went with Pujols or Votto.  I truly believe that you really need a first baseman in the first round.  Oh well though, Kemp is a fantastic player, but I do not believe he will replicate those numbers. 

    Unfortunately by the time my second round pick was coming, I just got into the draft and did not get a chance to see who I took.  Seriously, I had like 14 seconds left to draft, so I took my boy Giancarlo Stanton.  I guess I will have a beastly outfield, haha.

    In the third round, I decided to go with Sabathia.  I always want one ace pitcher and it seemed like people were going pretty crazy with pitching early on.  I hate falling into that trap, but it is hard not to allow it to happen.

    During this round, there was only pick that I questioned:  Offord took Desmond Jennings in the third round.  Was he ranked that high?  Or does Offord believe Jennings will have a huge season?  I am not making fun of the pick, I just like to know the rationale.  For example, I have no clue why Don would want Asdrubal Cabrera that early in the draft.

    Rounds 4-6
    Once I realized I was not getting one of the big first basemen, I decided to look for Eric Hosmer.  He was a nice addition last season and I think he will improve.  He could be the kind of guy who breaks into that elite first baseman category.  Although, I will not lie, I was starting to bite my nails toward the end of round four.  I wanted him in round five, but he was the next player available after Phillips (who I would have taken if JasonI did not take him).  It was going to be a huge gamble.

    Interesting how an injury can make everyone ignore you.  Buster Posey was taken in the second round in many drafts last season.  This year I picked him up in the fifth round.  That is a nice place for an elite catcher.  My next pick was C.J. Wilson.  I liked that one as well.

    I really like that James was able to get Ian Kennedy in the sixth round.  If he regresses a little bit, he might still have as many wins as Wilson or Darvish.  If he does not regress, does James have a 20 game winner for cheap?

    Rounds 7-9
    Here is the pick I liked:  Dee Gordon in the 7th round.  My point about Asdrubal Cabrera is that he will not replicate last season, but I have a guy who will probably come close to Elvis Andrus numbers.  The dude can flat out fly around the bases.  I am hoping for 50-60 SBs this season.

    I actually did not care for the Gio Gonzalez pick.  I have no idea why I took him.  I was not really ready to start drafting closers.  Although, I did make a huge mistake, I really thought Dustin Ackley would be available in the 10th round.  So in the next round I took Freddie Freeman (a nice backup if Hosmer fails-or combine the two of them and they equal Pujols).  Unfortunately, Offord swooped in and saw Ackley sitting there and stole him from me. 

    Round 10-12
    At this point, I decided to go for some closers.  I went with Marmol in the 10th.  Then I took Ogando in the 11th.  I am not sure if Ogando will be closing or starting (I thought that I read Feliz will be starting this year).  In round 12, I decided to take Moustakas.  I figured since I missed out on the really good third basemen (there are like three), that I might as well wait and take Moustakas.  I believe in him.

    I believe Ryan had the steal of this round by taking Jesus Montero (obviously I believe in him as well). 

    Rounds 13-15
     I took Hellickson here, but in retrospect, maybe I should have taken Neftali Feliz.  In the 14th round, I took Allen Craig.  I think I will use him as my second baseman.  I just hope that he is as good as we all think he is.  I decided to take Venters after that.  I wanted someone with holds since we use that stat as well.

    Offord drafted Bryce Harper and allow me to say kudos.  I honestly forgot about him, but then afterwards wished I had drafted him.  He will be up at some point, and if he is even 1/10th as good as people think, well Offord has an amazing pick.

    Rounds 16-18
    These are the fill in rounds.  I took Trout and Presley because, well you can never have enough outfielders.  And, I think Trout will have a good year.  Presley, well I just hope he has an awesome year.  Again, Offord had another pick that I really liked:  Adam Dunn.  He was terrible last year, and I do not think there is any way possible he could be that bad again.

    Rounds 19-21
    Mayberry might end up being a really good pick for me.  I hope that he hits like he did in his limited action last season, I mean one HR every 15 ABs, I will take that...

    Rounds 22-23
    Eh, Mike Leake.  Nothing special there.  I took Devin Mesoraco with my last pick.  He is my backup in case something happens to Posey.  He has the potential to be a 10-15 HR type of catcher.  I always like to go way out there with that final pick.  I like Pat's pick of Phil Hughes.  I actually wanted to take him instead of Leake, but oh well. 

    I would go ahead and try to project each team like I did last year, but I honestly do not know if I have the time for that sort of thing.  Good luck to everyone!  Hope we have a fantastic season.