Couple Stalking:Michael Fassbender and Nicole Beharie

    So it's emerged that Michael Fassbender is dating his beautiful Shame co star Nicole Beharie and I have to say I'm not surprised. They had great chemistry in Shame and I remember thinking they'd make such a lovely real life couple and it's as if they heard me lol. Get ready for more haterade Nicole, unfortunately it will surely come. Some of Michael's nuttier female fans have posted some disgusting, racist things and some hilarious things lol ie What is Michael's obsession with black women?!! Cue spitting the dummy and a ridiculous sense of entitlement. How many times do we see images of high profile black men with white women? Exactly. Personally, I have no problem with it whatsoever, people should date who they like. And considering I've dated different kinds of rainbow beaus, I personally don't give a shit. It's funny how when it's a black woman with a non black man that's the object of desire, some people get their panties in a twist. Double standards and hypocrisy. Some of those crazy fans are so fucking moronic, it's obvious that Fassbender likes women of colour, look who he was dating in the past. And he doesn't strike me as the sort that will hide it. Nicole seems to be his type. They're very cute together.