Contemporary Printmaking @ the Store Street Gallery

    There are so many fab exhibitions on around town at the moment, that i've decided to dedicate this week to seeing as many of them as possible! First on the list is Contemporary Printmaking. Run by Orion Contemporary, the exhibition is a celebration of the art of print making and showcases some AMAZING work, by the likes of Lisa Denyer, Alexander Gough, Damien Hirst, David Hockney, Max Lowry, Dénes Maróti, Will Martyr, Andy Warhol and Giulia Zaniol - not a bad roll call, eh?! It ends this Sunday so don't dawdle! Here are some of my  favourites to give you a taster...
    Giulia Zaniol, Parliament from the Angels of London series 
    Giulia Zaniol, Royal Palace of Whitehall 
    Andy Warhol, Queen Elizabeth II, 1985

    @  Store Street Gallery, 32 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS