Weigh-In Wednesday

    Last week when I started this, I weighed 187.6, today I way 180.8.  I have lost 6.8 pounds by just giving up Mountain Dew.  And yes, I have not had one.  I will be honest though, it is extremely difficult.

    I have had worse withdrawals with this than with giving up smoking.  At work has been the hardest.  I go to grab a drink and my immediate reaction is to go for the soda, but then I stop myself and have water. 

    I posted the question on facebook, asking everyone what I could drink instead.  Apparently the only drink out there aside from soda is some form of tea.  I am not a huge tea fan.  I will keep searching though.

    I knew this would not be easy, but seeing the results so quickly has helped encourage me.  I will keep this up.