Laptop Problem

    Over the last few days I have been having problems with my laptop.  It went from being fast to now being very slow, and I keep getting the blue screen.  I did the few things that I actually know.  I even went so far as purchasing one of those PC cleaner programs.  Nothing has worked.

    I went to Staples to see what it would cost to fix.  The guy opened it up and did a few things.  He came to the conclusion that the hard drive is most likely bad.  He said that it would cost $79.99 for a full diagnostic, then if it was the hard drive, probably another $150 to fix it.  If it was just the RAM that was bad (he took out half the RAM, and that was not the problem) that would be a little bit cheaper...

    Remember, I purchased the computer for $350.  To me, it makes absolutely no sense to spend $200 or more to fix my computer, when I could probably just buy a new one.

    I do not know what to do, someone give me some advice here.  Also, what would be the easiest way to save the majority of the stuff on my hard drive?  I have a feeling that anything long and complex will not work, since my computer will crash before I get the chance to do it.