Weigh-In Wednesday II

    This morning I weighed 181.4 (and I am embarrassed to say that I spelled weigh as way last week).  I guess that is a gain of .6 since last week, but that does not really concern me.  I am not consistently under 185, which is a great start. 

    The interesting thing has been that I am becoming more conscious about what I eat in general.  Everyone at work thinks that I am on a diet, which is not true.  I gave up soda.  Although, I am now trying to eat a little more healthy, so whatever.

    I will not lie though, I almost gave in yesterday and grabbed a Mountain Dew.  I think I was having a caffeine headache and was feeling pretty sluggish.  It just looked so tasty at the store...fortunately, I kept going.  These small changes will add up in the long run.