LFW A/W '12 Mary Katrantzou

    The current darling of fashion, Mary Katrantzou, can do no wrong at the moment. Her collaboration with Topshop launched last week and had grown women running down the escalators of their flagship store in desperation! Not that i'm balking at the idea... i have been known to run (and elbow) for a fashion fix.
    (The Mary K Topshop collection...fyi on the dress below...)
    So, with expectations riding high, it was great to see her take those signature shapes and push them even further, with new corseted shapes now added to her repertoire. And then there are those awe-inspiring prints. Forks, spoons, typewriters, clocks and embroidered (actual) pencils made up the quirkier combinations, with subtle, yet modern florals, giving a romantic feel to billowing, ruffled dresses. What I love about her prints is that the more you look, the more you see, and the fact that they can take on different forms, depending on whether you view them from a far or up close. A great show - long may the Queen of print reign...

    images sourced from the awesome Style.com and Topshop websites.