The Garrison Pt2

    Bizarrely, whilst writing The Garrison pt1, i started to get the strangest case of deja vu. I could have sworn that i'd never been there before, but after seeing their website and trawling through my photo archive, I came across these...
    Upon further brain digging, it transpired that i'd actually been a couple of years ago, for a private function. Either the place looked different back then, or someone put a bag over my head as they led me downstairs... i'll go with the latter. Far more exciting!
    The room downstairs can be hired for private functions, but also hosts a Sunday Cinema Club. Imagine filling your belly with scrumptious food, a few cheeky glasses of red, then wandering downstairs to bags a comfy seat and settle in for a good movie. What Sundays are made for!
    The Sunday Cinema sessions are every, erm, Sunday, @ 7pm AND it's free to diners!