Weigh-In Wednesday IX

    Oh yeah, a good week!  I am down to 176.2.  Fun fact, I noticed that some of my shirts that were starting to get tight around the neck, now fit again.  I am a happy camper. 

    This week I would like to weigh-in on Joe Flacco's comments about being the best quarterback in the NFL.  Actually, I just want to comment about what I heard on a Pittsburgh radio station about it.  The host had Flacco's agent on and they debated about the comment.  The people calling in were so outraged that Flacco and his agent would say such things.  At least the host of the show was rational.

    Obviously Flacco thinks he is one of the best QBs in the league.  I bet almost every player thinks they are the best.  Then people were calling in saying that Flacco is a bum and/or a very mediocre QB.  Granted, I do not believe he is one of the five best (that is what his agent said), but I think you could make an argument for him being in that 10-15 range.  This reminds me of the argument that Imler and I had during the Super Bowl.  Off the top of my head this is my list of the best QBs:
    Drew Brees
    Tom Brady
    Aaron Rodgers
    Ben Roethlisberger
    Eli Manning
    Philip Rivers
    Tony Romo
    Matt Schaub
    Matthew Stafford
    Matt Ryan
    Joe Flacco
    Jay Cutler
    Cam Newton
    Mark Sanchez
    Sam Bradford

    When Imler and I argued, I said that Tebow was in the top 15 if you consider that winning is important.  Based on last year, I would probably put him with that bottom five.  I think you could probably shift the Matt's around and make an argument for all of them.

    Anyways, Flacco is not as horrible as Pittsburgh fans like to think and what he said is not really all that shocking.