Phosphorous Reinvention:Kal Penn

    I've always thought Indian American sensation Kal Penn was a real cutie. I mean he's got everything, good looks, brains, humour. Is there anything he sets his mind to that he can't do? I love smart, geeky funny men. He and John Cho are great together in the Harold and Kumar movies. Ok so try to keep up. Kal had a role in tv series House, as well as the Harold and Kumar movies, he starred in critically acclaimed films too. He's taught in universities as a visiting lecturer in programmes including Cinema Studies and Asian American studies. He's politically active and campaingned for Barack Obama.

    In 2009 he joined the Obama administration as an Associate Director in the white house. He had to be written out of House for it. He then resigned as a Director at the white house to film the third installment of the Harold and Kumar series. He returned to the white house again, left it again for a role in How I met Your Mother. Then... He went back to his political studies. He's working on a graduate certificate in International Security from Stanford University. He plays the baritone saxophone. Are you out of breath? I am a little. Is Kal confused? Does he lack direction? Or is he one of those ridiculously talented, multi faceted people that can turn their hand to many things? I'm going for the latter. Either way, he rocks. I love the way he just does whatever he wants to do. Next up, Kal Penn will be flying to space, ok not true but I'm expecting to hear it at some point in the future.