Fantasy Baseball Week Three

    Offord and I have similar teams.  We both have guys who can steal plenty of bases for us (although Matt Kemp is too busy hitting HRs instead of hitting singles) and a good bit of relief pitching.  Actually Offord's team has one starting pitcher.  I believe he is trying a different strategy this season.  He is devaluing the win category and trying to push the other five.  Would normally work, but I have more middle relievers than most people.
    With facial hair he looks a little bit less like a douchey frat boy...

    In the beginning when I drafted my team, I had a very good feeling.  I mean, I was wary about Matt Kemp replicating his numbers from last year, but I figured Stanton/Hosmer/Moustakas would all improve so it would be a wash.  Well, Stanton and Hosmer have not started out so well, but luckily Kemp is still in "beast mode."

    Although, Kemp was not my best player this week.  Instead that honor goes to Freddie Freeman, who got off to a slow start, but redeemed himself with a monster week:  7 Runs, 3 HRs, 14 RBIs, .478/.481.  Yeah, I will take that line every week.  Oh, that Kemp guy was still pretty good:  4 R/3 HR/6 RBI/.381/.458.

    I need to see Gordon and Presley get on-base more often.  When they do get on, they usually steal, but a .286 (for both of them) OBP is absolutely unacceptable.  Also, Stanton needs to hit one out of the park.  Seriously dude, go back to Mike.  I dropped Gordon Beckham in favor of Aaron Hill.  I doubt that will last once Allen Craig returns from the DL.

    Over on the pitchers side of things, I had a few notable performances from those Nationals starters:  Gio Gonzalez and Ross Detwiler.  I added Jake Westbrook to my rotation , which might be an okay thing.

    I am back in the lead of my division with a 25-10-1 record.  I am only three games behind Dustin.  This week I take on Swing'TheBigStick, who is only three games behind me in the division.  I need to trounce him so that I continue to separate myself from the rest of the pack.