Museum of Broken Relationships

    I've been so excited about this eclectic exhibition coming to London. Anything that promises to tell stories of lost love through the weird and wonderful, is my kind of museum. It's been touring the world (via Croatia) collecting objects and stories along the way, objects that define the 'love legacy' of relationships past. i love the concept of channeling the sadness and/or anger of a break up through creativity. By donating a meaningful object the exhibition hopes to act as therapeutic closure for all involved. You'd think the whole thing would border on depressing, but some of the stories of lucky escapes and intense love are actually really uplifting. There's a story in there that everybody can relate to. Turns out that it doesn't matter who you are, or where you're from, a broken heart is a broken heart. There is something comforting in that. My favourite item? Hmmm, think it's the Spanish scientist voodoo doll...i have a vengeful streak!
    oooh the intrigue...what were the words??
    Magic 8 balls can get addictive...

    ahhh....the mix tape
    The Museum of Broken Relationships runs August 15 – September 4 at the Tristan Bates Theatre, London WC2.