Fantasy Baseball Week 21

    I definitely owe Jason a few dozen cookies!  Okay, not like he actually benched everyone, but he could have been a dick and started paying attention this week.  I beat him 7-3, which is great, but there is even better news:  I am now in sixth place!!!

    I decided to pick up John Danks and he was a very pleasant surprise.  A win and 10 Ks.  I will take it all day long.  Verlander picked up two wins this week, but Sabathia did not have one.  I tied that category, ugh.

    My best hitter was Ortiz, the dude was a beast this week.  Ryan Braun also had another huge week, with four stolen bases.  Unfortunately, he did most of his good work against the Pirates, so he deserves this picture:

    Picture via the always awesome Rumbunter...