Funny Story About Fruit

    When I was younger, I did not have much exposure to many exotic fruits.  My mom used to pretty much buy the standard:  bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, pears, peaches, plums, blueberries, strawberries, and watermelons.  I had honeydew and cantaloupe at different family functions, but that was pretty much the extent of my fruit trying.

    I think at one point my mom bought us kiwis to try and I loved them.  It was not until I went to college in Erie that I finally tried pineapple.  I absolutely love pineapple now.  There is nothing better than grilled pineapple.  Okay, there might be a few things better, but not a whole lot.

    When I was in Egypt, we stopped at a restaurant for lunch and I ordered a glass of fresh squeezed mango juice.  It was my first experience with mango.  It was probably the best drink I ever tasted.  It was pulpy and tasted like heaven.  No one informed that cutting mango is a bit of a pain, but still worth the time and effort.

    After returning from the Middle East, I decided to give papaya a try.  That did not turn out so well.  Adam and I were at BiLo in Philipsburg and I decided to buy one.  I had no clue how to eat it, so I tried to just bite into it.  That was a terrible mistake.  I thought papaya was pretty much the nastiest thing ever.  Recently, Lindsey and I bought some papaya and I had to look up how to cut it.  This time, it was delicious.  I am now a fan.  Again, a bit of a pain to cut and whatnot.

    I now want to try more fruits, unfortunately, I have never actually seen these two in a grocery store around here:  dragon fruit and star fruit.

     Has anyone ever had either one?  Are they good?  What are some other fruits I should go out and try?