Comic Book Characters Should Play Baseball: DC Edition

    The other day I was thinking about comic book characters and how silly it is that all of these characters become heroes/villains when they realize they have some kind of power or ability.  If I found out that I had enhanced strength or something, I would probably go into professional sports.  Much easier to make millions.

    I started to wonder which comic book characters would make the best baseball players.  I decided to only use the humans who had minor enhancements.  Obviously Superman would destroy a baseball.  And yes, the Flash would just tap the ball and make it home in under a second.  People would probably notice they were a little different.

    Remember the days before Alex Rodriguez played for the Yankees?  Or before he took performance enhancing drugs?  He was a big guy, who could hit and play his position.  He was quick, agile, and powerful.  Who does that sound like?

    Batman is 6'2, 210 lbs. and is a master in multiple forms of martial arts.  He would be amazing in the field.  Throwing batarangs probably means he would be pretty accurate throwing to first from awkward positions.  Oh, and he is big and strong, and could probably be a 40 HR type guy.

    Second Base
    You need someone quick at second, who can help turn those tricky double plays.  Well if Batman is at SS, then you would definitely want Robin at second.  Obviously I mean Tim Drake.  He was my favorite Robin.  Tim is listed at only 5'1, 115 lbs, but I think he may have grown a little bit.  Anyways, he would have the quickness to make those turns and throws to first.

    Also, since he loves to use his bo staff, he would probably be a great slap hitter.  I could imagine him being more like Ichiro, high average and a ton of stolen bases.

    Third Base
    This is one of the positions where you want some serious power.  This is the character that got me thinking about this whole post.  Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke.  He has enhanced abilities:  strength, agility, reflexes, and a healing factor.

    This guy is a mercenary, but he could easily make a crap-load of money hitting 50 HRs per year and also hitting around .400.  If Albert Pujols or A-Rod can get over $200 million (I am sure Pujols will get that kind of money), Slade would probably be even higher paid.  Plus, his extra abilities would not be noticeable as long as he did not jump twenty feet into the air or something.

    Oh, and with that healing factor, he could probably break Cal Ripken's consecutive game streak.

    First Base
    This is another one of those big, power-hitter type positions.  You would someone who is a big target for the other infielders to throw too, but also someone who can just crush a baseball.

    Bane would make a great first baseman.  He is 6'8 and as long as he does not overdo it on the Venom, he would not look a muscle-bound freak.  Just use it on occasion and keep belting out HRs, probably would strikeout a few times though.  He would be like Adam Dunn.

    Luckily, as of now, MLB does not test for Venom.  If they did, Bane could be banned for a few games.  Although, he has stopped using it in comics, to get started in baseball, while growing up in the Caribbean, I am sure he would have been juicing. 

    Center Field
    When you think of a center fielder, you want someone who is a natural athlete, and very fast.  They usually have a lot of ground to cover.  Well, who better than Nightwing?  He is built almost exactly like Andrew McCutchen.

    Dick Grayson was a fantastic gymnast and acrobat long before he met Batman.  That kind of thing probably would come in handy when making ridiculous catches.  Also, he probably has a cannon from throwing batarangs and whatnot.  I picture him as .300 hitter, who steals about 30-50 bases per year.  Not a huge HR guy, maybe 15 to 20, but probably a fantastic gap hitter.

    Left Field
    Here is another one that has super powers, but those could easily be hidden.  Animal Man could play left field.  He could summon the speed and power of any animal he wanted.  As long as he does not overdo it, he could become one of the greats out there.

    I picture him putting up numbers similar to CarGo last year.  35-40 HRs, 40-50 SBs, an average around .350.  Yeah, people would probably remember Buddy Baker as a player more than they remember him as a superhero.

    Right Field
    You want an amazing athlete out there who can throw the ball to third base and home on a rope.  Who would be better than Mr. Terrific?  The dude has won the Olympic gold medal in the decathlon and has multiple black-belts.

    I bet he would put up a .300 average, hit about 25-35 HRs, and probably gun down about 15 guys a year trying to tag up on him.  The guy just seems to excel at whatever he does.

    This is such a tough position because most people do not realize how difficult it can be.  Also, there are so many different types of catcher.  Personally, I look for a good defensive catcher.  The abilities you want in that kind of catcher are quick reflexes.  People forget that a catcher has about the same amount of time to react to a pitch as the hitter.  If his pitcher misses his target, there is not a lot of time to move the body to make the catch.

    Captain Boomerang Jr (Owen Mercer) would be perfect.  He is an expert at throwing objects, so he could probably throw out a good amount of runners, plus he has a little bit of super-speed, which means he can probably use that to slow down the rest of the world.  A runner stealing second would not distract him as the pitch is coming in.  Plus, he could use a little bit of that speed to allow him to steal bases.  I could see him racking up somewhere around 60-100 SBs in a season, probably have a huge OBP with all of his walks since he can slow the world down and know if a pitch is a ball or strike. 

    If you want a good starting staff, you might as well look no further than the Green Arrow and his family.  Ollie, Roy, and Connor are all expert marksmen.  Using a bow makes a person have a very strong arms and chest.  They could easily become a pitcher with that kind of skill-set.  You might as well add Merlyn to that mix as well.  Instead of becoming an assassin, why not make millions throwing a baseball?
     And what about a late inning reliever?  How about Hourman?  The dude could just pop one of his Miraclo pills and be a hard throwing closer for about an hour.  He could be a two inning closer as long as it does not take more than an hour.

    Alright, well that is it for this installment.  Next time I will look at some Marvel characters.

Fantasy Baseball Week 21

    I definitely owe Jason a few dozen cookies!  Okay, not like he actually benched everyone, but he could have been a dick and started paying attention this week.  I beat him 7-3, which is great, but there is even better news:  I am now in sixth place!!!

    I decided to pick up John Danks and he was a very pleasant surprise.  A win and 10 Ks.  I will take it all day long.  Verlander picked up two wins this week, but Sabathia did not have one.  I tied that category, ugh.

    My best hitter was Ortiz, the dude was a beast this week.  Ryan Braun also had another huge week, with four stolen bases.  Unfortunately, he did most of his good work against the Pirates, so he deserves this picture:

    Picture via the always awesome Rumbunter...

IAAF World Athletics Championships

    Leonel Suarez Cuban Decathlete. Gorgeous. Drools.

    Koji Murofushi, Japanese hammer thrower. Stunning hunk of a man. Love Koji!

    Dayron Robles. Cuban hurdler. I don't care if he's not conventionally good looking, I have to cross my legs when I watch this guy. Sexy, majestic motherfucker. Love the glasses, his physique, cool demeanour, love everything. He's a class act.

    I am throroughly enjoying the IAAF athletics championships on channel 4. I love athletics and there's an unending supplyof man candy to oggle, win win situation. I still think that Cuba produces some of the best looking male athletes. I'm really excited to see the 110 hurdles finals featuring superb Dayron Robles, the fantastic Liu Xiang and America's very hot Jason Alexander. It's great that China has an athletic superstar in Liu Xiang and I really like the friendly rivalry between him and Robles. Jamaican 100 metres star Shelly Ann Fraser looked great in semi finals, I love her smile! I really want her to do well but America's Carmelita Jeter (the second fastest woman ever no less!) looked freaking dangerous. That chick means business and I can't wait for that final later on today. Also looking forward to watching Alyson Felix in the 400metres, she's a beautiful, elegant runner and I love watching her. Such a shame about Hussain Bolt false starting in the 100metres and missing out on that final. That gold medal was his for the taking but at least he has the 200 coming up and I feel sorry for the other athletes. On another note, so great to see Kim Collins get the bronze in the 100! He's such a lovely man and a great personality on the athletics scene. Will be glued to the tv this afternoon watching the rest of the action. :-)

Shakers Corner:Aliko Dangote

    I'm very much interested in doing a regular feature about entrepreneurs around the world. I'm particularly keen to showcase entrepreneurs of colour but happy to post about people from any background as long as they're doing something interesting and innovative. They don't necessarily have to be loaded yet. So if anybody knows someone who they think I should post about, feel free to drop me a line. Let's kick things off with Nigerian billionaire Aliko Dangote. Dangote is the richest man in Africa and worth $13.8 billion dollars. He owns Dangote cement, the continent's largest cement maker which accounts for a quarter of the Nigerian stock exchange total market capital. He has plants in construction all over Africa. He began his career as a commodities trader and built his Dangote group through interests in flour milling, salt processing, sugar, cement manufacturing, real estate, oil, gas and textiles. For his recent birthday, Dangote bought himself a $45 million dollar Bombardier aircraft.

My Fellow American

    My Fellow American is an online film and social media project seeking to change the perception of muslims in America. Despite many muslims in the states being born there and practicing their religion peacefully, they're still villified and portrayed as the "other." The project calls for people from diverse backgrounds to pledge their support and share positive stories about muslim people they've interacted with. Through the power of social media, My Fellow American aims to rectify the depiction of muslims within the American fabric. Above is a video of entrepreneur extraordinaire Russell Simmons pledging his support. If you'd like to share a story and find out more about the project, visit the website for details.

XFactor Madness!

    Misha is a star. Phenomenal vocals and audition.Go ahead girl!

    Craig Colton was hilarious and performed a great cover of Adele's track. Brilliant voice.

    Derry Mensah serenades Kelly Rowland. I love this guy! What a cutie pie.

    Derry gets some love from his dream woman Kelly. Too cute!

    The Xfactor machine has rolled into town and it's as addictive as ever. All the grumblings of how it would fare without Simon and Cheryl has faded into the background with reports of record breaking ratings for it's second episode. With the current climate beings so depressing people need some escapism and Xfactor provides just that. The formula is as slick as ever. I really liked Craig Colton's performance, what a lovely voice! And he was so funny and charming but my favourite so far is Misha Bryan, fantastic voice and stage presence. I think she's beautiful, has a sweet spirit and becomes a lioness on stage. It was such a ballsy, feisty audition. Her updated, edgy rendition of Aretha's classic Respect stole the show. If you're going to attempt to take on Aretha Franklin, one of the greatest singers ever, then you better be damn good and she was awesome. This girl is versatile and I loved her rap right in the middle of the track!

    Derry Mensah's audition has got to be one of my highlights so far, I love this dude! I literally did not stop laughing from the minute he confessed his undying love for Kelly. And of course he fancies Kelly, she's gorgeous. What a handsome young man, it was a good audition too, he has a great voice. He cracked me up, from his declarations of love for Kelly "Straight up, I love you Kelly Rowland" to his brilliant, raucous friends and the way they gathered around him like a scrum during his reaction at the end "Don't touch me, Kelly Rowland has just kissed me! Four, four yeses!" What a colourful, fun personality, he's just adorable. And yes Derry has a past, he served a sentence for robbery as the usual suspects (The Daily Mail and The Sun, surprise surprise!) were so gleefully quick to inform the public. People make mistakes and deserve second chances. He paid his dues and realised the error of his ways. He's been very open about his past and the mistakes he made. I think that's a very adult way of handling it. Leave Derry alone. With his vocal talent, good looks and effervescent personality I hope he realises there are other options for him. Bring on episode 3. :-)

How to Fix True Blood

    Obviously you know what this post is about.  This season has been pretty terrible.  What could they do to fix the show for next season?  Here are my ideas:

    -Obviously they are not going to kill Sookie.  It would be great, but it will not happen.  Instead though, they need to focus a good bit less on the love triangle and maybe never mention the whole faerie thing ever again.

    -Too many useless characters.  First, get rid of Tara.  She is absolutely unnecessary.  Her views go completely against Sookie's beliefs.  Might as well kill her off this season.  If you want someone who Sookie can talk to about her problems, use Jason.  He is more interesting anyway, since he has positive and negative vampire experiences.

    -Speaking of Jason, they need to keep his character more consistent.  Keep him as a cop, I actually like that idea.  I am glad they eliminated the whole were-panther story (I am sure it will pop back up though).  In fact, I like the idea of his role being more involved with the vampire community as a cop, maybe covering up things for Bill (with help from Jessica).

    -Jessica naked.

    -The entire story needs to be vampire related.  The interesting thing about the first season was the way we saw how society reacted to vampires.  Those are also some of the good parts of this season.  Focus more on that and less on idiotic villains.  No witches, no demigods, no werewolves, no werebadgers, or anything else.  They can exist in this world, but they are not the big story.

    -Also, we need to know more about vampire politics.  Who are the Authority?  How and why did they divide the U.S. into a kingdom per state?  How come some of the oldest vampires (Godric, and to a lesser extent Eric) are just sheriffs of small areas.  Could they just kill the king or queen and take it over? 

    -Keep Sam's story just the way it is.  Seriously one of the few good things about the show.  Except, maybe have him work at the bar a little more often.  Also, what happened to him being in love with Sookie?  I realize he grew out of that, but he and her have no interaction whatsoever. 

    -Can someone explain to me why werewolves are more badass than shifters?  During the fight against Tommy, he should have shifted into that alligator, or a T-Rex.  Can they do that?  That would be fuckin' awesome! 

    So these are just a few of my ideas, feel free to use them HBO!

Halle's Birthday Delights

    So Halle Berry turned 45 this August and celebrated by donning a bikini and hitting the beach with her daughter. And boy does the certified Milf look spectacular. She looks better than most women half her age. To be fair, black people naturally age very well because of the melanin content in our skin so Halle benefits from this but she does do her part by having a rigorous trainig schedule and watching what she eats. She's diabetic so she tries to be as healthy as possible. To all those women who start botoxing themselves to within an inch of their lives from their late twenties onwards, take note, this is how to age in style. She just looks fantastic and still has facial expressions.

XY Chromosome Sundae:Nicholas Gonzalez

    My my my, how stunning and delicious is hunky latino actor Nicholas Gonzalez? Yummy. The Mexican American actor has a solid roster of roles in film and tv icluding True Blood, Law and Order SUV,Melrose Place, Ghost Whisperer, Greys Anatomy, Behind Enemy Lines and Spun. He and ex girlfriend, actress Regina King were so sweet together. I love Regina King, she's such a great actress. Most people will probably remember her for her role as Cuba Gooding Juniour's feisty, colourful, kick ass wife in Gerry Maguire. I wonder why she and Nicholas broke up. He is fine as f***.

Grilled Chicken Parmesan Pizza

    A few weeks back, I had the pleasure of posting a recipe for a delicious savory crust pizza. This week’s new recipe uses the same crust (or any crust you like, really, whether home-made or purchased) in a different way: Grilled Chicken Parmesan Pizza. Rolling the dough out thinner than for a baked pizza, and grilling it rather than baking it, results in a crisper crust that combines wonderfully with any of your favorite toppings. Here we’re making it with a chicken parmesan topping, crowned with parmesan and one of the truly great cooking cheeses: fontina. (The parmesan is grated, and the fontina is shaved into thin slices with a cheese slicer.) The saucing method – grilling tomatoes till soft and then mashing them onto the dough and adding an herb or two – is borrowed from a classic method for saucing margarita pizza.

    A note about the grilling part: Although grilled pizza is generally made on an outdoor gas or charcoal grill, my weapon of choice for such things is a stove-top grill pan, and this recipe was prepared on that basis. If you prefer an outdoor grill, heat it to about medium hot and the recipe should work just as well.

    Now let’s grill some pizza! This recipe makes 4 single-serving pizzas.

    Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

    Blanch 3 large tomatoes (beefsteak or similar) for about 1 minute, rinse in cold water till they’re cool enough to handle easily, and remove the peels. Slice the tomatoes into ½” thick slices, and set aside.

    Dry 1-1/2 pounds of chicken tenders or thin-cut breasts with paper towels. Brush each side with olive oil, and season both sides with salt, pepper and fresh thyme.

    Put the sliced tomatoes into a hot grill pan lightly coated with olive oil. Season with salt, pepper, and few drops of white wine vinegar and heat until just soft, turning over half-way. Set the tomatoes aside. Scrape any tomato residue off of the pan with a wooden spoon.

    Place the chicken on the grill pan. Cook until the chicken is browned and cooked through, turning over half-way. Set the chicken aside. After it has rested for a few minutes, cut the chicken into bite size pieces.

    Divide a pizza dough (large enough to make a normal 16” pizza) into 4 equal parts on a floured surface, and gently roll each out to about 1/8” thickness.

    Working one dough at a time, lightly brush one side of the each dough with olive oil and place on the grill pan, oiled side down.

    As the dough cooks, air pockets may form as shown in the photo at right. This is a good thing; it means your dough will have a light crispness.

    When the dough is browned, after about 2 minutes, brush oil on the top side and turn the dough over.

    Immediately place ¼ of the roasted tomatoes on the dough, crush them and spread them around as a sauce. Sprinkle ¾ teaspoon of chopped fresh oregano on the dough.

    Put ¼ of the chicken, 1/3 cup of shaved fontina cheese, 3 tablespoons of grated fresh parmesan, 1/2 teaspoon of chopped fresh basil, ½ teaspoon of chopped fresh parsley and ¼ teaspoon of butter substitute on the dough. (If you like some heat on your pizza, you can also add a pinch of dried red pepper flakes.) Cover with a large bowl and cook for about another 2 minutes until the cheese is melted.

    Keep the finished pizza warm in the oven while cooking the remaining pizzas as described above. For an extra special touch, drizzle each pizza with olive oil before serving.

    And there you have it: a special grilled treat your whole family will enjoy. (At least my whole family enjoyed it; I assume yours will too.) If you’d like a cookbook-style, notebook-ready copy of this or any other Kissing the Cook recipe, send me a note with your e-mail address and I’ll send it along.

    See you next week with a special family recipe from my favorite cook. Till then, stay well, keep it about the food, and always remember to kiss the cook. ;-)

Orchid Run