Trend Alert - Surreal by name...

    Surrealism is firmly on my radar as a future trend influence. There have been several key exhibitions around the world so far this year (including The Surreal House at the Barbican) and there are also two big Salvador Dali films in the making - currently stalled due to opposition from the Dali foundation. One film, simply titled ‘Dali’ is set to see Antonio Banderas in the lead role, with a second film ‘Dali and I’ due to star Al Pacino. Both films hopefully to be released in 2011. Surrealism has been a constant influence in fashion and there has been some great imagery within magazines recently. Then there was the release of Christopher Nolan’s Inception last month, with its multi-layered, surrealism-laced, dream plot. All I can say is watch this space…
    Illustrations by Andrzej Klimowski for Another Magazine