Experimental Food Society Spectacular

    With the promise of jelly mongers, bread artists, butter sculptors and food landscapers, the man and me hot-footed it to The Brickhouse on Brick Lane this weekend, for this annual, edible, exhibition. An avant-garde celebration of food with the aim of challenging our preconceptions, whilst tantalising the taste buds. 

    A number of interactive exhibits included, Stefan Gates promoting the virtues of 'bug burgers', a Marie Antoinette look-a-likey, fashioning a macaroon-adorned ball gown, and the opportunity to have your hand cast in dough...hmmm. The event culminated in a 5 course, multi-sensory, evening banquet with the opportunity to sample the day's exhibits, which I am told when down a treat. By lunch time the venue had started to get very crowded, with queues stretching around the block, so we decided to make a swift exit and indulge in a little food experimenting of our own, with some fantastic Ethiopian food from a stall next door! 
    Suitable for vegetarians...the life size, suckling pig cake
    Guess who...
    One of the creative landscape photographs that I had wanted to see more of...