The Legend that is Paul Smith

    I am still on a massive high from this unbelievable experience! Being a huge Apple fan and a huuugge Paul Smith fan this event was just a dream come true. The new Apple store in Covent Garden hosted an evening with the man himself, with Dylan Jones (Editor of GQ) in interviewer mode. Although, they are obviously good friends, so it felt more like a friendly chat! As well as being an amazing designer, inspiring businessman and all round creative genius, Paul Smith is also a really nice bloke! He had us all in stitches with quirky little anecdotes and stories of how his career began.
    There will be a free podcast of the interview to download from the Apple website soon, (keep an eye out for upcoming events whilst you're there) which I thoroughly recommend you sit down and watch with a cuppa. As always, he looked amazing, in one of his beautifully cut navy suits with printed purple lining and a sharp white shirt with mother of pearl popper personified!

    I loved the 'lived in' look of his shoes and the polka dot socks.