Princi...bread heaven

    If, like me, you are a bread monster or you have a weakness for cakes, then pop your head around the door of Princi on Wardour Street. This great Milanese style café/bar is the brainchild of the wonderous Alan Yau, who brought us the likes of Wagamama and Hakkasan. There is an on site bakery that produces a mouth watering selection of wheat goodies, as well as delicious pasta and salad dishes - all at reasonable prices. It's a great place to read the papers on a Sunday with a cappuccino and cake, as a treat for lunch or even for a late night snack and glass of wine on a Friday, when it's buzzing with Soho revellers. I kept the photos to a minimum as not to spoil the element of surprise when you walk in and clock the counter. Here is something to get your mouth watering though...