Trend Alert - The Good, The Bad and the down right fashionable!

    Due to the hot summer nights we have been having of late, the man and me have been trying to delay bedtime for as long as possible by having old movie marathons! It was the turn of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly this week - can you believe it was the first time we had seen it? Check out this great clip of the films finale­, that captures the super cool look and mean stares of Blondie, Tuco and Angel Eyes…

    This look has really started to creep in over the last couple of years, with double denim and fringing becoming key trends and I can’t help but feel that there is still more to come. Ralph Lauren is the designer who has drawn inspiration from the Old West more than most over the years and I just love this image from his 1978 ‘Westernwear’ collection… now where can I get me one of those neck ties??