Serpentine sleepover

    When I heard about this event I could barely control my excitement! The Serpentine Gallery and the V&A are hosting a sleepover in the new pavilion (designed by Jean Nouvel) in Hyde Park this Friday…wait, there’s more!

    The event starts at the V&A with a Bombay Sapphire bar creating special ‘night cap cocktails’ followed by twilight tours of the museum and that’s just for starters! Revelers then make their way to The Serpentine Pavilion to enjoy a night of themed events including music performances, films, a psychoanalysts view on dreams, insomnia labs and ‘Power trifles’  - the sampling of trifles containing either calming remedies or powerful stimulants! As well as all of this, each person will receive a hand crafted book charting the nights events.

    All you need is a sleeping bag, £35 and stamina - the event goes on until 5am! I was ready to put my name down when the man reminded me of all the activities we have planned for the weekend / week to come and how I am not the most productive** person when I am tired (**he used the word grumpy and he is so right!). Ah well, if you go let me know what It was like. Check out all the details here.