It's always the weather for ice cream...

    So, the weather is not as sunny, but it is still really hot, therefore I decided to delay the sweaty tube journey home with a trip to Gelupo a new gelateria on Archer street, Soho – all in the name of research of course! This is from the people behind Bocca di Lupo, an Italian restaurant with a great reputation, just across the road (Note to self - I must get round to sampling their food soon).
    Fresh, delicious flavours including a daily special made for a very hard decision and many a sample tested! I settled on the daily special ‘Bonet’, which was a mixture of rum, ameretti, coffee and chocolate with a second scoop of peach sorbet…to die for! I had to control my yummy noises! There is a seating area so you can eat in but if the weather is nice, a scoop (or three) is the perfect accompaniment to people watching on the streets of Soho.