Science Museum Lates

    One of the best things about London has to be the museums and what could be better than an adults only, alcohol friendly, fun-loving night at the Science Museum?? On the last Wednesday of every month the museum hosts its 'Lates' night which allows visitors to wander the floors, drink in hand, to the funky sounds of the in-house dj's. Every month has a different theme and as Wednesday's was 'the science of food' I just had to pop along. The much loved regular activities such as the silent disco (i love listening to people sing when they wear headphones) and the science based pub quiz were accompanied by themed events; musical vegetables, potato stamping, liquid nitrogen banana DIY (they make for great hammers, which the men loved!) and comedy based food shows.

    This was an awesome night of fun and it was free! Can't wait to find out next months theme.