I really enjoy blogging, it's actually addictive. I'm managing my other writing projects too so sometimes I have to psychologically steer myself away from the blog so it doesn't become all consuming but I want to keep doing it. Thanks to the followers and anonymous regulars who frequent this blog.I know there are lots of lurkers on here, well, because I lurk too! So if you like the blog and know you "come here often" so to speak then do show some blog love and support. You can sign up as a follower by clicking follow right at the top of the page next to the search bar on the left. If you don't want to follow publicly it even lets you follow anonymously. You can also subscribe to the blog by email which is at the top of the sidebar on the right. Feel free to leave comments on any posts that resonnate with you so I know you've stopped by. I definitely want to connect with the lovely peeps who follow this blog, if you want to drop me a line about anything you can contact me at soberinthecauldron@gmail.com Don't be shy! Thanks once again. :-)