Art Car Boot Fair

    Quite possibly the best car boot i've ever been to. The opportunity to pick something up from the likes of Polly Morgan, Peter Blake, Damien Hirst as well as other big and not-so-big-but-still-amazing names, was too good to miss! I'm always up for a bargain and a good rummage, so this was right up my street, especially on a Sunday - it just feels like such a British thing to do! As well as all the amazing art work on offer there was also a lot of good food and fun to be had...spanking and smashing things being favourites (see below)! Plus it was held behind The Old Truman Brewery and a trip to Brick Lane is always a huge inspiration. 
    Guts for Garters
    Smashing things seemed to be a theme of the day...
    the weapons of choice...