Time For a Quick Life Update

    You do realize that when I write quick in the title, that it will be an insanely long post?  Well let us get started.

    Lindsey and I decided to split up the holidays.  Easter we went to my family, Thanksgiving we went to her family.  We went to her mom's house for an early dinner, then went to her dad's girlfriend's house for some pie.  At both houses we played some board games.

    Also, I got to wear my sweater vest that I bought for New Year's Eve like three years ago.  Yeah, I get excited over the little things.

    Lindsey had to get up early in order to go to work.  Since I was up as well, I decided to run over to the Ebensburg Wal-Mart to see what they had left of the Black Friday sales.  It was 6:00 a.m.  They actually had a good amount of stuff left.  I think next year I will try to go over a little earlier.  I was able to pick up some movies for pretty cheap.  Plus, I finally got Burn Notice seasons two and three for $9 each. 

    Kayla's Birthday
    Saturday night we went out for Kayla's (Lindsey's sister) 21st birthday.  We hit up a few of the places in and around Johnstown. 

    The next day we went down to Pittsburgh in order for Kayla to go to Rivers Casino.  We started out at Bar Louie in Station Square.  Lindsey and I played a little basketball/football game at the bar, then after dinner we went to the casino.

    I went off to play Three-Card Poker.  That was not a great idea.  I lost $120 in about 9 minutes.  After that I went over to the bar and watched the Steeler game and proceeded to get pretty drunk.

    Working Third Shift
    The majority of the week I worked third shift and in all honesty, nothing much happened.  However, on Friday night, my dishwasher comes to me and says "Okay, it's all yours.  I quit."  I thought at first he was kidding.  Then I realized he was not.

    The reason he came in and worked for two hours that day?  He wanted to make sure he got his vacation pay.  Once it went into his account, he quit.  Unfortunately, he did not realize that he could have quit anytime in the past week or so.  It was pretty much processed through payroll already.

    Steelers vs. Bengals
    Lindsey and I got each other tickets to the game for our birthdays.  We got up early and got down there around 8:00 a.m.  Needless to say, I started drinking.  We met up with a person Lindsey works with and his wife.

    As most of you know, the game was not even close.  The Steelers did a good job beating down the Bengals.  As you also know, I will not mention much of the event, instead some random things that happened.

    On our way into the game, Lindsey dropped her ticket while we were in line.  We looked around and started backtracking where we were at.  Lindsey was pretty much on the verge of tears (she claims that she was going to cry and hope that the security guards would let her in).  Luckily, we found the ticket pretty much right where we were standing.

    This is why Lindsey is not allowed to be in charge of things.  In fact, she would misplace herself if that was possible.

    After the game we went to our hotel and passed out for a little bit.  When we woke up it was around 8:00 and none of the restaurants downtown were open.  We took a cab up to the McKnight Road Red Lobster and ate some food.

    When we left, we called for a cab and well, that is when the fun began.  We sat outside for about an hour.  I kept calling and they said they would be sending someone out.  Finally, I called the hotel and the girl gave me the number for Classy Cab.  I called them and they sent someone out in fifteen minutes.  Granted, it was a little bit more expensive than Yellow Cab, but it was worth it.  Here is the funny thing:  Yellow Cab called me around 12:30 to say my cab would be there in a little bit.  Almost three hours!  How utterly ridiculous.  Shitty service.