Badass Female Roles

    Pam Greer pretty much writes the rule book for pure gorgeous badassness as Foxy Brown.

    Angela Bassett in Strange Days. Angela is a goddess and the way she kicks ass in this film made me love her even more.

    Franka Potente is awesome in Run Lola Run. Such a unique film, and Franka is luminous as the perfectly imperfect anti heroine.

    Dorothy Dandridge, Carmen. Unforgettable performance from the stunning actress as the flighty, seductive Carmen Jones. It's a travesty that she wasn't a super star.

    Chloe Moretz, Kick Ass. I adore this actress, she's so cute and talented. She's hilarious in this movie and great in everything else I've seen her in.

    Natalie Mendoza, The Descent. Wow, girl crush alert. She's sexy and tough as Juno and has a superb physique.

    Julia Roberts, Erin Brokovich. I love Julia Roberts, have done ever since Mystic Pizza. She's interestingly beautiful and I like her wide mouth. This was the role of a life time for her and she's magnificent as feisty, gutsy mother turned lawyer.

    Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon, Bound. Great noir flick, I love these two as lovers who run rings around the mafia.

    Linda Hamilton, Terminator. No list is complete without including the poster woman of badasness. Awesome role, rocking body.

    Uma Thurman, Kill Bill. Uma is unforgettable and just very very cool, revenge is definitely sweet.

    Lucy Liu, Kill Bill. I love Lucy Liu! She's bold in terms of the roles she chooses and the total opposite of the pliant, submissive asian female stereotype. She's just brillliant and hilarious in this.

    Queen Latifah, Set It Off. She's so charismatic and real as the complex, volatile lesbian she steals this film in my opinion.

    Geena Davis, The Long Kiss Goodnight. Geena's brilliant as Mother and government assassin in this flick. She also had great chemistry with Samuel L Jackson.

    Michelle Rodrigez, Girlfight. This is the role that put Michelle Rodriguez on the movie map and it lived up to the hype. The part of a troubled teen who channels her aggression through boxing was made for her, excellent performance.