Fantasy Football Week Nine

    Kevin's League
    Back to the winning, that is what I like to see!  I beat Earthurriquakeacane! 97-88.  I am now 5-4 and still in third place.

    My best player was sitting on my bench, Julio Jones scored 28 points and I did not start him.  I decided to go with Antonio Brown, who did put up 10 points, so I really cannot complain.  My best player that I did start ended up being Mike Tolbert, who scored 19.

    Next week I take on one of the worst teams in the league, which means I will get destroyed.  I might have Jahvid Best back, plus Jonathon Stewart is back from a bye week.  My big question is should I start the Bengals defense against the Steelers or the Jets against the Patriots?  Probably go with the Jets.

    Steel City League
    I beat Shousetown Steelers 114.54-79.42.  I have now won three in a row and have moved up to fifth place.  Arian Foster and Reggie Bush were beasts this week.  About damn time that Bush does something for me.

    Next week I take on Community Pillars, who is also 5-4.  I knew my team should be awesome and it seems to finally be coming together.  I am projected for over 120 each week.