the 5th of November

    Of all the millions of fireworks displays in wonderful London town this weekend, i have managed to narrow it down to 3. Lets look at the pros and cons...

    1. Blackheath Fireworks-
    For  - a regular outing in my Uni youth, so ticks the nostalgia box
    For - it was always an awesome display (and it's free - although donations are appreciated)
    Against - i may have romanticised it slightly
    Against - it is totally on the wrong side of town...hmmm???
    2. Battersea Park Fireworks
    For - Awesome display
    For - my end of town
    Against - you're not allowed to take your own sparklers. booooo!
    Against - pricey food and mulled wine (+ admission £10)
    Against - it is supposed to lash it down on Saturday
    3. Richmond Annual Firework Display
    For - The display is choreographed to QUEEN, yes QUEEN. AWESOME!
    For - hog roast and mulled wine!
    For - on apparently sans rain
    Against - a little out of the way...
    Against - fun fair = lots of kids...yes, i am a cowbag!
    For - Did i mention Queen?!

    Think Freddie has swung it for me!
    Happy Bonfire lots of toffee!