A Random October Day

    Today was one of those random days where there is not a whole lot to do.  Lindsey and I decided to go for a walk.  We left our apartment and went left, then left again onto Whiskey Spring Lane.  We walked until we reached Turkey Path Lane (these are real streets apparently).

    At a certain point, Lindsey started to wonder if I had any clue where we were going.  Obviously I had no idea since I had never been down any of these roads before.  However, I am not mentally challenged.  I had a feeling we had to come out on Rt. 160 (although, I was worried that it could end up being like five miles from New Germany Road).  Eventually I was proven right and we made our way home.  Later we drove the route we took and it turned out to be five miles exactly.  That might not seem like much, but the hills were pretty brutal.  Here are some pictures from our journey.

    This is a house we noticed and I really liked, not nearly as much as a few others in the area, but enough to stop and appreciate it.  I should have taken a picture from the side because this one gives you a crappy view.  This house is nice, but there is another one in the area that I would break into and kill the owners and take over their identities save up my money and make an offer on...

    These cows were pretty huge.  This one gave me the evil eye after I made a mooing sound.  Not nearly as bad as the other one that stared at Lindsey the entire time we walked past.  It stared at her to the point of almost breaking it's neck.  Lindsey made this comment "maybe he needs to be milked."  Think about her statement for a second.

    This house is an oddity to me.  They have a brick wall at the gate of their driveway that says "The Long Family" and it looks like there is a guard station as well.  Unfortunately my phone did not pick up how creepy the house looked up there with the gray clouds and slight rain.  Definitely felt like a scene out of a horror movie.

    Anyways, that was our fun little walk.  We also decided to carve our pumpkins tonight.  I have not carved a pumpkin since I was like twelve years old.  We used one of those tracing kits and I think they turned out okay.  I am nowhere near my brother's level yet, but practice makes perfect.  Mine is a pirate and Lindsey's is a ghost.
    Well there we have it.  Hope you enjoyed this fun little story.