Fallingwater Trip

    Lindsey and I wanted to do something fun during vacation, but did not want to spend too much money.  We decided to check out Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural masterpiece.  Obviously, neither one of us knows much about art or architecture, but it was still a pretty awesome place to check out.

    This is us in front of the building. 
    We had some interesting people in our tour group.  The one lady was from Montreal and she was driving to Phoenix in a van.  She wanted to find a Super Wal-Mart because she likes to sleep in the parking lot.

    There was a mother/daughter combo who were both pretty odd.  The mother had the worst cottage cheese legs I have seen.  She kept asking questions about all the art inside.  The daughter seemed like she was made of plastic and I am pretty sure her face was completely uneven.  Oh, and she was wearing a pink tank-top and shorts.  She kept walking around like she was cold.
    The tour guide was cracking me up and naturally I kept imitating her the rest of the day.  She would say stuff like "Wright created these horizontal lines to force your eyes to focus on the window and it would draw you outside."  I would then say stupid stuff like "Wright designed this parking lot because it makes you focus on leaving and driving away."  Haha, I make myself laugh.

    I also came to the conclusion that I could never live at this place.  You can hear the running water all over the house.  I would have to piss like every three minutes.

    This is another picture of us.  We are such a sexy couple.