Roses Really Smell Like Pooh

    It's been absolutely fascinating watching the demise of the Daily Mirror and the triumvirate of Rupert Murdoch, Rebekah Brooks and James Murdoch deeply embroiled in the phone hacking scandal. It saw the end of one of Britain's longest running papers. For now, Rupert Murdoch is standing by his protogee, former News of The World Editor and Chief Executive of News International, red headed wonder woman Rebekah Brooks. Don't mess with Rebekah, she kicked ex boyfriend Ross Kemp's ass. Police officers have resigned, Prime Minister David Cameron's murky affiliation, now Brooks has been arrested and whistle blower Sean Hoare found dead. How convenient! The police are claiming his death isn't suspicious! Come on, how stupid do they think the public are? This guy stated that former News Of The World Editor and now political strategist, David Cameron's previous Communications Director Andy Coulson actively ecouraged phone hacking at the paper. And they expect us to believe that he wasn't disposed of? And he's being slyly discredited as a junkie and alcoholic, doesn' t make what he confessed any less true.

    Here's the thing, I'm pretty sure the News Of The World wasn't the only paper hacking into people's phones. It doesn't get much bigger than this, the fall of a major newspaper, arrests, corruption, distasteful political association and a media empire shaken to the core. Murdoch's even had to put his greedy, ubiquitous media expansion on hold. Is anyone actually going to take responsibility? Or are we going to witness more displays of shirking? It's intriguing to watch all this unravel and it's going to run and run...On a side note, is it wrong that I sort of have a tiny girl crush on Rebekah Brooks? Clearly it is. Yes I know she's ruthless, see footage of Brooks calmly admitting to paying police officers for information but from humble beginnings she had a meteoric rise to the top and how she navigated her way through intrigues me.What does this chick have on Murdoch that he hasn't fired her? The trio being questioned by corrupt mps today means absolutely nothing. Nobody at the top will be punished, Murdoch is worth far too much money and has his tentricles deeply embedded within the political machine. There'll be one official enquiry after another to appear to be doing something and excuses given as to why certain aspects of several investigations were botched...Oh I can see it already, Gripping stuff.