GOTW and Speeding Tickets

    Yesterday I was driving home from Altoona and happened to be going a little over the speed limit.  When I look in the mirror there was a Cresson Township cop behind me with his lights on.  I had been pulled over once before and given a warning.  I knew that this time I was absolutely screwed.

    Needless to say, I was right.  Luckily the cop gave me a ticket for just failing to obey traffic signs and he was actually pretty cool about it.  He seemed genuinely concerned that I might forget to pay the fine and have an arrest warrant put out for me.  Not like this has ever happened before.  Okay, that is a lie, it happened once before. 

    Funny story, I got a ticket for doing 32 in a 25 in Crafton.  I had every intention of paying the fine.  In fact, I wrote the check, put it in an envelope, and thought I mailed it.  One Sunday, I am sitting at my place and there is a knock on the door.  Do you know how many knocks I had at my door while living there?  Not many.  I opened up and there were two constables standing there, they said they had a warrant for my arrest.

    I argued up and down that I paid the fine, and then I looked at my desk and saw the envelope.  I forgot to mail it!  This is where things got shady.  The constables said that if I gave them cash, then it would be cool.  I told them I could give them a check, but they wanted me to go to an ATM and get cash.  I said that I could not do that because I did not get paid until the next day.  They said if they checked with the magistrates office and it was not there by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, they would come take me to jail.

    I went down to the magistrates office the next day and paid the fine.  I wonder if the constables were just trying to take my cash from me?  I guess I will never know.

    Back to this ticket, I really wish the cop would have looked like the girl above.  I would be much happier about getting a ticket if Denise Milani was standing there.  Also, if you are already giving me a ticket, why does it take so damn long to sit there and write the bloody thing.  And, why the hell do cops always ask:  "do you know why I pulled you over?"  Yeah, I am well aware of it.  In fact, do not ask me why I was speeding.  I like to drive fast, I am in a hurry, whatever.  If I lied and said that I had to get home to poop, would you let me go?  Probably not.  I am sure that cops already know as they walk up to the car whether they are giving you a ticket or not.

    Okay, sorry about that rant.  Here are more pictures of Denise Milani.