Weak Sunday Television

    Sunday television was not all that good this week.  Quick stuff about the three shows I watched.

    The Glades
    The show is going downhill with the whole Jim and Callie being awkward towards each other.  This episode was about a killer at a Pentecostal church.  They tried very hard to push one character on us and anyone with half a brain knew it was the other person.  The only positive was Jim completely mocking their religious beliefs.
    Dear The Glades, please stop making Kiele Sanchez look less hot on the show...THANKS!

    True Blood
    All sorts of stupid shit in this one.  The witches are everywhere, Lafayette is possessed by Jesus' uncle and Marnie is possessed by that chick the vampires killed.  Tommy becomes a skinwalker and does the only cool thing he will ever do:  turn into Sam, fire Sookie, and have sex with Luna.  Tara and her girlfriend check out the town, then get attacked by Pam.  I hope Pam kills them both.  Terry and Arlene's house burns down, their kid can see some black chick.  Whatever, I wish they would die.  The werewolves are joining a new pack, yay!  Lame.

    At least Eric was entertaining.  He bowed down to a super-dickish Bill and then Bill lies to whatshername and says that he needs the true death.  Then frees him to go have sex with Sookie.  The best part of the episode was Jason thinking he was going to turn into a werepanther.  I loved when he and Jessica had their bonding moment.  I cannot wait until they bang and Hoyt becomes angry.

    Breaking Bad
    I do not want to say this was a bad episode because it was not bad, it was just slow.  I am hoping that Hank snaps out of being an uber-deusche and becomes completely immersed with working on the case (instead of focusing on minerals).

    An entire episode about the buying of a car-wash was not the way to follow up last week's beat down of Walt.  I actually felt bad for the car-wash guy.  Just listen to Saul and buy a nail salon.  I also enjoyed Jesse's cool party.  That seems like my kind of crowd.  And by my kind of crowd, I mean, that shit would freak me the fuck out if I walked into that party.

Matrix Video

    I was watching The Matrix Revolutions last night and realized that it was not as terrible as most people make it out to be.  Also, I hope the next Superman movie has a great fight scene.  Hopefully they use a villain who has similar powers to Superman, so they can get pretty crazy with the flying & fighting.  Time will tell...

Lemon-Kissed Waffles

    At first I wasn’t sure about posting a waffle recipe. After all, to make waffles you need a waffle maker, and if you have a waffle maker you probably already have a recipe for waffle batter that you’re at least reasonably happy with. Eventually I decided to post Lemon-Kissed Waffles this week because I think the recipe offers a couple of things most others I’ve seen don’t.

    First, there’s a hit of lemon zest that gives the finished waffles just the right touch of tartness to complement the sweetness of the syrup, fruit, etc., that normally are put on top. Second, there’s just a little bit of corn meal that adds a nice bit of texture without being overwhelming. A waffle shouldn’t be just a neutral flavored holder for toppings.

    The picture at the top of this article shows what looks like a Belgian waffle, with its large size and deep openings to hold the toppings. A true Belgian waffle (meaning the kind they make in Belgium, not the kind you get at carnivals) is made from a yeast batter, which gives the waffle a very light texture. Although I used a Belgian waffle maker, the waffles I cooked were made from an American style batter, which uses baking powder for leavening instead of the yeast. Not to worry, however; as you’ll see, the recipe also includes beaten egg whites for a bit of added lightness. This is especially helpful if, like me, you reduce the fat content by using egg substitute which, as I’ve mentioned here before, tend not to fluff when cooked quite the way that fresh whole eggs do.

    This recipe makes six to eight 8” waffles; they’re best eaten right after being made.

    Begin preheating your waffle maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

    To make the batter, first combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl: 1 cup all-purpose flour; 1 cup whole wheat flour; 2 tablespoons of corn meal; 1 tablespoon baking powder; 1 teaspoon kosher salt; 3 tablespoons sugar; ¼ teaspoon cinnamon; ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg, and the zest of 1 lemon. (Note: if you prefer to use 2 cups of all-purpose flour and no whole wheat flour, that works too; the taste of the cooked waffle just won’t be quite as deep.)

    Form a large well in the mixed dry ingredients. Place the wet ingredients - 2 egg-substitute eggs, beaten; 1-1/2 cups skim milk; 1 teaspoon vanilla; and 3 tablespoons of butter substitute, melted - in the well and mix until the wet ingredients are completely combined. After the wet ingredients are combined, mix them into the dry ingredients until a batter forms. (Note: Most recipes call for you to combine the wet ingredients in a separate bowl and then mix them into the dry ingredients. You could do that here too, but why make more dishes to wash later?)
    Put two fresh egg whites and a pinch of salt into a bowl, and beat until stiff peaks form.
    Carefully fold half of the beaten egg whites into the batter. Repeat with the second half of the beaten egg whites. If necessary, add additional all-purpose flour, a tablespoon at a time, until the desired thickness is achieved. The batter should be on the thick side as shown in the video. (Don’t bother getting popcorn and settling back; the video is only about seven seconds.)
    Allow the batter to rest for five minutes.

    Make the waffles according to the waffle maker manufacturer’s directions. Serve immediately, topped with butter substitute, syrup, fresh fruit, and whatever else suits your fancy! (I also served mine with turkey bacon slices. They’re not shown in the photo, but you already know what they look like.) Or keep them warm in a 200 degree F oven until you’re ready to serve.

    And there you have it: Lemon-Kissed Waffles!

    I hope you enjoy these waffles as much as I enjoyed sharing them with you. If you’d like a cookbook-style, notebook-ready copy of the recipe, just mention it in a comment or e-mail and you’ll have it post haste!

    Stop back next week for another easy, fun, reduced-fat recipe. Till then, stay well, keep it about the food, and always remember to kiss the cook. ;-)

Ancient Aliens Season Three

    I just watched the new season of Ancient Aliens, which was about aliens and the old west and was brought to you by Cowboys and Aliens.  There were plenty of clips from the movie, which if you did not know has a pretty entertaining history behind it.

    Pretty much everything in the episode was stuff that had been discussed before on UFO Hunters.  Especially the Aurora, Texas incident.  Everything I have read about the incident seems to point to the idea that the whole thing was a hoax by the journalist living in the town. 

    They pointed to the ground-penetrating radar that seemed to show a missing grave, where the alien is supposedly buried.  I am sure old graveyards around the country have graves that are missing markers.  If people really believed it was an alien, how come no one has broken the law and went out at midnight to dig the damn thing up?  The town should want to dig it up to prove their case.  Instead they are content receiving the camera crews every few years and probably a couple of amateur alien hunters.

    Then they go to the Utah petroglyphs and how they show that aliens landed there and the local people were Star People or something.  Again, this was something I have heard before from these kind of shows.  Here is the big one they like to show:

    Clearly, those are helmets and that thing in the background is a garbage can.  I am not an expert in Native American glyphs, so I have no clue what they mean.  I can see where people would take what they have seen from movies and apply it to these pictures as well.  This could just be some artists attempt to draw the gods.  Or it could be some shitty artist hot girls.

    Then they point to this picture and explain how it must be an alien spacecraft.  It is quite clear if you examine it.

    Wanna know what it looks like to me?  The ghosts from Pac-Man.  Remember that game?  Well some of you probably do, but those of you under the age of 25 may be ignorant to Atari games.

    There was also some weird stuff about Elizabeth Lake in California and how there was a monster in the lake that used to eat people.  Also, cowboys used to chase down a metallic bird and could not kill it. 

    Pretty much every lake has some story about monsters (okay not all of them, but it seems like it) and maybe these cowboys just kept missing whatever they were shooting at, or maybe they were just completely full of crap.  I am going with that option, seems more viable.

    They also discussed the Serpent Mound and how it was built by aliens (or for the aliens) so they could find their way back.  I had this argument with someone on twitter:  if the aliens could travel billions of light-years across the universe, why would they need some kind of mound to give them directions?  His answer:  landmarks work best.  Yeah, when I drove to North Carolina, it was easier to look for a big oak tree than a mile marker or say, use my GPS.  Ridiculous.  They can navigate the stars, yet once on a planet, they cannot find the places they have been before?  Idiotic.

    Also, there was something about this slabs of dolomite that could conduct electricity and the gods must have used these to power their ships or maybe give the ancient people lights.  Or maybe their fuel source was lightning and this guides the lightning...I had no clue what they were rambling about.  Reminded me of an issue of something you would read in the Flash. 

    Most of this stuff seems pretty crazy, but then you add in Joseph Smith.  The founder of the Mormon Church.  If you want your theory of ancient aliens to be taken seriously, I say keep referencing Joseph Smith.  People obviously think the Mormons are sane...

Girlfriend of the Week

    I am feeling lazy this week, so your GOTW is Eliza Dushku, who is hot and that is the only reason I have.  Sorry...

location, location, location!

    Wandering through Soho yesterday, i found myself walking past St. Martins, just as some removal guys were shifting boxes. It was just so sad. In case you didn't know, this institution of an art school, which has nurtured an unrivaled roll call of creative talent (Alexander McQueen, Stella McCartney, John Galliano, Hussein Chalayan, Giles Deacon, Phoebe Philo, Katie Grand, Antonio Beradi, Lucian Freud, Mike Leigh, Gilbert and George...ok i'm out of writing breath now, but you get the picture), is relocating to Kings Cross, to a 'one house fits all students' kind of building. Talking to some current CSM students a few weeks ago made me realise how blue everyone is about it (well everyone i know anyway). I tried my best to find the positives...after all everything will be so shiny and new and well, warm. Did i mention shiny?? They don't want shiny... There is also the argument that Soho is not what it was in the hedonistic hey days of the 80's and that Kings Cross is up and coming. These guys wouldn't get something like this wrong...right?? Lets hope the move isn't too stressful and that the talent just keeps on rolling.

XY Chromosome Sundae:Will Genia

    Delicious rugby hunk Will Genia is originally from Papa New Guinea but plays scrum half for the Queensland Reds in Australia. Gorgeous man, very nice indeed. I hope he has one or two sponsorship deals that make the most of his um...Impressive assets.

Hang Out Happened

    David Bowie and Iggy Pop, 1976. Great stuff :-)

Weird Et Al Humdinger:Al Qaeda's Animation To Recruit Kids

    Terrorists connected to Al Qaeda have stated that they're planning to release an animation film aimed at recruiting young kids to the militant network. The idea is to educate kids about the history of the group and inspire them to commit acts of terrorism. Stills released have already faced strong criticism. Honestly I'm speechless, disturbing and cunning.

Body Heat

    Body Heat is a neo noir thriller directed by Lawrence Kasdan. It stars William Hurt and Kathleen Turner. A somewhat inept lawyer falls for the bored wife of a wealthy businessman and they hatch a plan to murder him and steal his money. But plans go awry for Hurt's character or exactly to plan from his wily lover's perspective. It's moody and atmospheric, full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing. The heatwave the town experiences imbues the film with another dimension of intensity and sparks some cracking dialogue. Great supporting roles from Ted Danson and Mickey Rourke. But the film belongs to Turner, she's seductive, masterful and complex.

Femme Fatale:Kathleen Turner

    Kathleen Turner made her movie debut in Body Heat and my what a debut it was. And what a sexy babe Kathleen was! The way she snares William Hurt's deluded character into her web, pursuading him to go to any lengths for the sake of "love" is a masterclass in suggestive manipulation. Butter wouldn't melt. She's the classy, intelligent sexpot who thinks of every eventuality and it's a joy to watch. Meanwhile the element of doom wraps it's hand around Hurt's character's greedy, unscrupulous dick, tightening it's grip bit by bit.

Lauryn's Baby Joy

    Stupendously talented Singer, songwriter and all around stunning earth goddess Lauryn Hill has just given birth to her sixth child. Congratulations to Lauryn on her new baby boy, I'm sure he's a bundle of joy. But the plot thickens as Rohan Marley (son of THE Bob Marley) isn't the father, although he's the father of her other kids. They've had a complex, tempestous relationship so I guess this isn't that much of a surprise but I wonder who the father is. Maaan I miss her music, The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill is one of the greatest albums ever. Lauryn I love you, please please please with a black grape on top release another album.

Couple Stalking:Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux

    So Jennifer Aniston, the single woman's poster girl has got a new man. She of strong jaw and tight physique. I thoroughly approve. Anyone who's a fan of Justin's movies knows he's a kooky, charismatic talented actor, screenwriter and director. I first saw him in a couple of David Lynch movies, he's brilliant in Mullholand Drive. Justin Theroux is waaaay more interesting than the types she seems to usually go for, didn't think Jen had it in her. Nice to see her with someone who isn't the usual bland, predicatable arm candy. Justin's sexy, he's also the cousin of British broadcaster Louis Theroux. I love Louis Theroux's documentaries! They're unique, insightful and often hilarious. Anyway, digging Jen's choice of man.

gorgeous graffitti

    Walking down Southampton Row at lunch a flash of fluro made me do a double take. Through a little iron gate i spied an awesome example of graffiti.  I love the acid colours of the floral print.

Links and Videos and Stuff

    I have nothing to write about...well nothing that has not been said by better folks than me.  So whatever.

    The Pirates
    As everyone knows by now, the Buccos lost in a crazy game where the umpire blew the call.  If you checked all the blogs in my links section, they all had something to say about it.  None of them say it nearly as well as WHYGAVS.  That is just pure emotion...

    I was pretty uninterested in the happenings of SDCC this year.  It is crazy to think that I used to want to go there so bad, yet now I have no real interest in it.  I still love comics, but the idea of going there and watching movie previews seems a little insane.  I think it used to be about comics, now who knows what it is...anyways, read Filmdrunks last photo diary from SDCC, pretty cool.

    Noah's Ark

    This video is pretty funny, a little long though.  Brought to you by:  XKV8R.

    Miss USA
    Over at Sean's site, he posted this video, which is a great parody of the actual Miss USA contestants answering the question about should evolution be taught in schools.

    Stupidity amazes me.

Captain America: The First Avenger

    I have not said too much about this film, mainly because I kept forgetting about it.  It is crazy to think that Marvel put out two major films this summer (plus, there was the X-Men film, which is also a Marvel comic, but different production company...)  I keep getting surprised by how good the Marvel films actually turn out.  Maybe DC should just allow Marvel to make their movies as well (minus the Batman films).

    The movie starts out with Steve Rogers being rejected yet again from being able to sign up for the Army.  Actually the movie starts with a modern day search team finding something in the Arctic.  Anyways, Steve finally gets into the military because a doctor wants him for a special project.  We learn that Steve has plenty of the intangibles, he is very David Eckstein-esque.  He then gets an injection and becomes taller and stronger.  He becomes a super-soldier, but the good doctor is killed, so they cannot make any other ones.  The Army uses Steve to promote buying war bonds.

    Honestly, the beginning was entirely too slow.  I get that they wanted to show that Steve was a great kid, and how hard he would fight and never give up.  Why not cut that back a bit and just show the grenade scene and have someone list all his characteristics?  Or something, they could have cut it down a good fifteen minutes.

    After that the action picks up and Captain America rescues some soldiers and leads his own team against Hydra.  He then saves the world by crashing a plane into the Arctic Ocean and defeating the Red Skull.  He gets rescued in the modern world and learns that he has been sleep for seventy years.

    The Good
    -The fight scenes were pretty cool.  He made using a shield look pretty cool and not hokey.  Also, they did not make him ridiculously strong.  Granted, he is strong, but I was afraid we would see him catching cars out of the air, or flipping over a tank.  Not that strong.

    -Haley Atwell is pretty damn hot.  The character of Peggy Carter was also cool.  She is pretty tough, and I am sure they will introduce Sharon Carter at some point.  My guess is that the movie makes her the daughter of Peggy.

    -Chris Evans did a great job.  He did not come off as the same character as Johnny Storm.  I have always liked him as an actor, although I realize some people do not. 

    -I also loved how they set-up things for the Avengers movie, but not so much that it was irritating.  That was a minor problem in Iron Man 2, all the Thor references, which I guess put some people off.  Instead, the references were pretty plot integral.  Red Skull mentions the Cosmic Cube (he calls it the Tesseract) being one of the greatest treasures from Odin's Treasure Room.  Howard Stark was also more than just a cameo, which I thought at first when he was at the World's Expo.

    -The ending was pretty much straight from The Ultimates.  Steve wakes up and they trick him into thinking it is still the 1940s and then he escapes.  I liked that touch.

    The Bad
    -Why did Cap jump to the conclusion that his only option was bringing the plane down?  Maybe someone can explain this to me.  If he is able to control it so that it will go into a dive, why not turn it around?  Or try to land it somewhere?  Were the bombs flown by Hydra agents?  If so, once he killed all of them, what harm would it be to turn around and try to land somewhere?  They should have went with the old fashioned nuclear rocket option instead.

    -Bucky's death scene was good, but when they bring him back (and they will), it will seem pretty crazy that he somehow survived that fall.

    -Hugo Weaving's accent

    -Chris Evans need to bulk up more, his chest was not big enough...

    Comic Book Movie Grade:  B+/A-

A Dance With Dragons

    As most of you can imagine, I was pretty excited about the release of A Dance With Dragons.  I went to Wal-Mart after work on Monday around midnight hoping it was out.  I was informed by the girl old lady working that they did not have it.  I woke up the next day with a sense of purpose.  I went back to Wal-Mart because I was told that it might come on the truck in the morning.  Unfortunately, it was not there and there were no other bookstores in Ebensburg.  I asked Lindsey if there was a bookstore in Johnstown and she said yes.  I then checked my account and found that I had no money.  How depressing!

    Lindsey came home from work and surprised me with a copy.  What an awesome girlfriend!  Although, it was probably a bad move for her since she barely saw me after that, haha.  Alright, fun story, but now for the thoughts on the book.

    I have decided not to bore you with a lengthy recap.  Honestly, only a few of you actually read books and of that small group, only a few of those people read this series.  Instead, I have decided to just look at some of my predictions and see how close I am.

    Jon's Parents
    My prediction was Rhaegar and Lyanna.  Unfortunately, it really does seem like Jon is Eddard's bastard son.  More than one character has made a comment about Eddard's woman (I cannot remember her name).  I still believe that Rhaegar and Lyanna ran away together and were probably in love. 

    Arya's Blindness
    I was right about that and an earlier prediction was that she would become a great assassin.  She refused to allow them to give her the antidote to cure her blindness and she goes about continuing her training.  At one point she figures out who keeps hitting her with the stick and gives him the three things she learned as he wanted.  She also succeeds in killing the insurance agent.  It made me laugh as they explain to Arya what the man does for a living and she is completely astounded that people would waste money on gambling whether there ship makes it or not.

    Quentyn Martell makes his way to Daenerys and shows her the letter that was an agreement to wed Viserys and the princess of Dorne.  Viserys was to return to Dorne with an army and they would join forces to retake the Iron Throne.  Unfortunately for Quentyn, he is a little late, as Daenerys is about to marry a guy from Meereen.  In his desperation to prove that he is not a loser, he breaks into the pyramid holding the two chained dragons and wants to steal one.  He figures he has a little Targaryen blood in him, he will be fine.  HAHAHA, how does being burnt alive feel Quentyn?  Yeah, he died pretty horrifically. 

    I predicted that she would raise an army and come to Westeros.  Well Meereen has been a slight detour.  She has an army and a bunch of enemies, but instead of being a conqueror, she has become a true ruler.  She worries about how to feed her people and keeping them from slavery.  After her wedding, she is almost assassinated by her own husband.

    Fortunately, she is saved when Drogon comes to the fighting pit and starts killing people.  She is able to control her dragon and hops on his back and flies away.  They are out hunting together when they come on the khalasar of Khal Jhaqo.  Ser Barristan Selmy has led a coup against Meereen's new king (Daenerys husband, who Barristan believes tried to kill her), but unfortunately, the armies assembled outside have decided on war.

    New Predictions
    -I still believe that Daenerys will eventually return to Westeros and conquer it or at least become Queen.  I think with Drogon, she will cause Khal Jhaqo to join his khalasar to hers.  I believe that from the first book, when two khalasars met up, they would battle and then the survivors would form into a new one and the leader would be the new khal.  With her new khalasar, she will return to Meereen and defeat the armies outside her walls.

    -The new dragon, and I am guessing the real heir to the Iron Throne, Aegon, will not survive.  He will cause a ton of problems and probably give Westeros a real scare, but in the end, he will be defeated by someone.  OR, he will ride one of the other dragons.  As will Victarion, with his horn, but he will turn against his brother and join Daenerys cause as well.  I doubt that last one though.

    -Tyrion will reclaim Casterly Rock and become the other force that everyone worries about.  Actually to piss off his sister, he will lend his support to Aegon and eventually Daenerys. 

    -What will happen with Jaime?  He is now in the hands of the resurrected Catelyn Stark (Lady Stoneheart).  I loved how he handled the situation with the Bracken's and Blackwoods.  If you combined all three Lannister children, that would make a great king (or queen).  Anyways, I am guessing that Brianne promised to deliver him to Stoneheart in exchange for her life. 

    -Jon Snow will not be dead.  He is wounded and will probably be saved by someone.  I have a feeling he will still lead his wildling friends against Ramsay.  Hopefully Jon will kill Ramsay and become the new Lord of Winterfell.  Although, he is still a bastard and if Stannis is dead, he has no shot of being naturalized.

    -In fact, is King Stannis really dead?  I just hate Ramsay.  I never liked Theon, but after reading about his horrible captivity, I really want him to go back to the Iron Islands and either claim his right as the king, or just ask his uncle to kill Ramsay.

    -I also still believe that the Others will make their way over the Wall or at least make a very good attempt.  The Night's Watch will regret losing Snow, but they will be saved by an unexpected source:  Bran and his friends, the Children of the Forest.

    -Speaking of Ned's children:  Rickon will be the new Lord of Winterfell.  Davos will find the boy and help him regain his position. 

    I am sure I will think of other things, but since I will have a few years between now and then, I will definitely write more about this series.

Wake up and hear the music

    Monday morning alarm calls always seem to hurt that little bit more. So imagine how gorgeous it must have been for East Londoner's yesterday morning,  when they were serenaded from sleep by seven musical hot air balloons, floating over the city. This unique project is a collaboration between the London Sky Orchestra, the London International Festival of Theatre, and the Mayor of London's office, marking yearly countdown to the Olympics. So listen out tomorrow morning for a wake up call you won't want to sleep through!
    Images from REUTERS/Andrew Winning

Fantasy Baseball Week 16

    It was the moment you have all been waiting for:  the rematch between Ngewo's World and Sean's Ramblings.  I won the last match-up and needed a big win to keep myself in the playoff hunt.  Needless I gave Sean a smackdown he will not forget!  Okay, that is not true, I beat him 8-4.

    He beat me in Wins, Ks, Holds, and SBs.  How weird is that?  The categories I lost were the ones I usually win...Sadly it was a week where Sabathia and Verlander had only won start each.  Normally they would pile up the strikeouts and get me a bunch of wins.  Also, Drew Stubbs usually gets me stolen bases, but I have not been starting him since he is slumping.  Oh well, you cannot win them all I guess, right?

    My team hit 11 HRs, and hit .310/.373, pretty awesome.  My pitching was also great with a 2.16 ERA/1.08 WHIP.  Why can't they do this every week?

    I had some major hitters this week:  Ryan Braun, Eric Hosmer, Derek Jeter, and Ryan Zimmerman (amazing that I had seven stolen bases, but still lost that category).  My best hitter was Miguel Montero, well that is a toss-up since Braun was pretty awesome too.  Just take a look at these numbers.

    I am still in 8th place with a record of 89-94-9, but I am slowly making my way back up to at least sixth place.  I am taking on Offord this week, he is in 2nd place.  Imler is in 7th place, but he is taking on James this week, so you an imagine who I am rooting for...

it's the final countdown

    So, only a year to go (this Wednesday) and already things have really kicked off. There has been loads going on around the city in the last few days, to help get us in a state of perpetual Olympic excitement (stop grumbling you cynics...we'll figure out the tube woes later), with a 'unique ceremony' taking place at Trafalgar Square this Weds for a few big reveals...ooohhhh! I am loving all the weird and wonderful events that are cropping up all over the place, with the musical hot air balloons (post coming up) and Films on Fridges catching my eye today. Yes, i said fridges. Films being projected onto fridges. The connection you ask? Well, the fridges are from East London and the films are sporting in nature. Just Brilliant! 
    Anyway, I am off on a tangent here, so i'm reeling it in. What with all the 2012 shenanigans this weekend, i got to thinking about the last time the Olympics were in town and what that must have been like. It became known as the 'Austerity Games' due to post war rationing and the struggling economic climate - this was the first games since the 1936 Berlin Olympics after all. I imagine it helped bring even more pride and celebration back to the city. I started fishing for imagery and found some absolute corkers. I love poster art, so when i spotted this official poster i was in my element. There are loads of great artists on board to create some iconic images for next years games as well - Tracey Emin, Martin Creed, Chris Ofili, Michael Craig-Martin, Howard Hodgkin, Rachel Whiteread and Bridget Riley - so i imagine they will be pretty spectacular. 
    Love these guys...the Australian water polo team. Which one is your favourite? i have two...

    all images borrowed from Getty - thanks.