Fantasy Baseball Week Six

    The week of the trade.  I finally got some sucker to take Adam Dunn off my hands.  Actually, I traded Adam Dunn, Troy Tulowitzki, and Trevor Cahill for Ryan Braun and Wade Davis.  I realize that I probably lost something in the power department, but Braun brings me consistency.  He has been one of the most consistent hitters from week to week for a few seasons now.  I made another trade, Justin Masterson for Derek Jeter.  After the Braun trade, I picked up Erik Aybar who is killing it.  So now, I have two shortstops...hmm

    Offord beat me this week 7-5.  It was a pretty good battle, we were tied 6-6 going into Sunday and he picked up a stolen base to break the tie.  I knew I should have started Jose Tabata...only a freakin' moron leaves a speedster off their lineup when all they need is a SB.  I deserved to lose.

    My pitching was pretty unfantastic this week.  Allow me to rephrase that:  my starting pitching blew.  My relievers were excellent, but the play crappy teams so they picked up some wins for me, but only three saves.  Lester/Sabathia/Davis all had ERAs over 6.00 this week.  Not a recipe for success.

    My player of the week was definitely the newly acquired Ryan Braun (who most Pirate fans loathe).  He hit .375/.474, 5 Runs, 2 HRs, 9 RBIs, and 2 SBs.  I will take that all week long.

    This week I take on Pat, who is in 9th place.  I stayed in 7th place.  Everyone had pretty even series last week, so even though I did not win, there is still not a ton of ground to make up.  Just need a dominant week.