Chelsea Flower Show Pt1...the gardens

    This was my first year at Chelsea (Hampton Court flower show has been my floral fix in previous years) and as expected it was a real inspiration. Think i'll just let the photos do the talking...

    My favourite...'A Monaco Garden'. I'm normally all about the wild, natural looking gardens, but the clean lines, orange trees and inviting pool had me day dreaming of summer holidays.  i also love the continuing trend for roof gardens, seen here with a lavender top.

    Eureka Garden from The Times and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
    RBC New Wild Garden..another roof garden example. love the sustainable wall detailing...
    The Daily Telegraph Garden
    The Cancer Research Garden
    Irish Sky Garden
    The B&Q Garden - this is the tallest ever Chelsea garden, giving hope and inspiration to high rise occupants, who long for green fingers. love the 'living wall'!
    don't they look awesome?