Dates for the diary...

    You need good prioritising skills to live in London and lots of energy. There's always a million and one things going on and it's just not possible to do it all - but i am trying! Here are a few of the biggy's over the next few weeks...

    Festival of Britain 22nd April - 4th September
    As you have probably gathered through my numerous posts on the subject, i am a big fan of the Southbank. So i am well chuffed that to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Festival of Britain, the Southbank Centre will be hosting a 'summer long celebration' by the river. There is so much cool stuff going on that it hurts my head, so you will have to visit their site for more details. There is this next thing though...
    Festival of Britain wallpaper by Lizzie Allen...i'm in love!

    Vintage at Southbank Centre 29th - 31st July
    The award winning festival (remember Goodwood last year?), from the ever inspirational Wayne and Geradine Hemingway is back and it's in the centre of town! Another celebration of music, fashion, film, art, design (you name it, they will celebrate it), is to be expected again this year, with the line-up gradually being announced in the run-up.The Royal Festival Hall is set to get a vintage make-over, with its 6 levels transformed into a 'multi - venue playground' of fun and frolics. All the fun from 2010 will be there from bands, films, shops, dance lessons, makeovers, workshops plus a few surprises...a Thames boat party has been mentioned, which has sold it to me! Can't think of a better way to celebrate all that is Best of British.
    love this image from the Vintage at Southbank Centre website

    Royal wedding - April 29th
    Love them or hate them (personally, i'm a lover!), the royals will be taking over the capital on April 29th. Now as a Londoner i have every intention of embracing this extra bank holiday in the spirit of any good drink, dance and wear a big hat. The original plan of watching the ceremony in Hyde Park, with champagne in tea cups and crust-less sandwiches has been abandoned, as the estimated 300,000 crowd brings me out in a rash (i like my space). So instead, a civilised wedding breakfast at home is on the cards, to be followed by themed fun at the V&A Friday Late. Yes, the good old V&A have got into the spirit, by organising a wedding themed street party with the usual fun and activities of all their lates. I'm also looking forward to wandering London's streets to see the aftermath...knowing that the Queen is getting drunk and Prince Charles is dancing 'like a dad at a wedding'! Well that's how i imagine it going down!
    'Her Consort' makes me chuckle!

    Chelsea Flower Show - 24th - 28th May
    Having been a regular at Hampton Court flower show the last few years, i have decided to give Chelsea a always looks so cool on the TV! Always a good opportunity to get some good snaps, soak up inspiration and to drink champagne!