Apple Store Covent Garden

    Stepping into any Apple Store is always a great experience, but when the man and me popped into the Covent Garden store the other day (their 300th and largest store - Grade II listed) we got more than we imagined. Whilst admiring the MacBook Airs, we got to talking to one of the many helpful members of staff (big shout out to Adam) who gave us a guided tour of all four floors - including the business briefing room which has a stunning 17th Century fireplace. Like all of Apple's stores, Covent Garden  has beautiful design features - befitting of the brand -  with numerous examples of structural brilliance (see spiral glass staircase below). Glass being a main feature material in all of their stores. What i love about Apple (and no, they're not paying me for this) is that the design process is followed through the whole experience...from stepping into one of their stores, through the products, packaging and user experience. That's good business.
    The 17th Century fireplace in the Business briefing Room - a private area used to acclimatise business to the brand and it's products.
    If you can prize your eyes away from the glossy ipads and look up you will see where all the natural light is streaming from. Apparently each one of these glass panes can support a baby elephant! I love these kind of facts, would be cool (if maybe a little cruel) to look up and actually see baby elephants lounging on the roof.