Sports Ramblings

    Brett Favre
    The big news in sports this week was Brett Favre not playing this week, ending his consecutive starts streak at 297 games.  This has caused plenty of discussion of which is more impressive, his streak or Cal Ripken's.  I personally feel that Ripken's streak is more impressive.  He played in 2632 straight games.  Baseball may not be a contact sport, but you play almost everyday for a long portion of the year.  Football is sixteen games and played one each week (you obviously know this).  Ripken's record will most likely never be touched.  Aside from injuries, you have to continue to play at a certain level during that time, a very tough thing to do.

    The football people kept saying that Favre's record will never be touched.  Umm, Peyton Manning is at 205 consecutive starts.  Why is it impossible to think that he might not come close?  Also, how come these are the only two streaks in the debate?  What about Doug Jarvis playing 964 hockey games?  That is a contact sport and you play more games per year than football.  To me, it seems more insane that a hockey player could go that long without some kind of game missed.  Maybe some hockey people can weigh in for me.

    Cliff Lee turned down a bunch of money from the Yankees and Rangers in order to go back to Philadelphia.  As most of you know, I hate Philadelphia, but I am happy for them at the moment.  It will be cool to see Halladay/Lee/Oswalt/Hamels pitch together.  How weird is it that Cole Hamels is now a fourth starter.  A few years ago he was on his way to being an ace, hell is still better than most teams first starter, especially the Pirates.

    Speaking of the Pirates, they made huge news today by signing Lyle Overbay!!!  Oh wait, that is not huge news.  My bad.  Offord had some nice things to say about it over at the Pancake.  Overbay is a better option at first than Garrett Jones, but he is pretty bad against LHP.  If they use him in a platoon with Steve Pearce, it might actually work.  Ryan does not like this idea, but then again Ryan usually thinks guys will revert back to their best season ever when they come to the Pirates.

    Fantasy Football
    Last year I finished in last place of the league I am in with Offord and Ryan.  This year I decided to pay attention more and finish somewhere above last.  I ended up finishing the regular season in third place and took on Ryan in the first round of the playoffs.

    My team was on fire.  Greg Jennings, Dwayne Bowe, Brandon Lloyd.  Those three WRs were racking up points every week for me.  Then this week they decided to absolutely suck.  Two QBs get hurt and those guys total for like eight points.  The funny thing is that the majority of my team is made up of guys from trades I made with Ryan.  Throughout the year he gave me Michael Vick, LT, Thomas Jones, and Jennings.  It sucks that I lost, but I am happy with my year.

    Speaking of fantasy football.  I challenge you all to a bowl game challenge.