Vacation Planning

    Lindsey and I have been discussing where we want to take a vacation next year.  We are thinking about going some time in October or November (be a nice way to celebrate both of our birthdays).  Apparently her first choice would be Newfoundland.  I quickly put the kibosh on that idea.  What the hell would we do in Newfoundland?  It does not sound very relaxing or fun to me.  I told her that maybe someday we could visit the Canadian province.

    We then discussed going to a beach.  She said she wanted to go to a beach where they have the huts.  We looked it up and we found that on the Cook Islands, you can stay in a beach hut for pretty cheap.  In fact (if my New Zealand dollar exchange rate is correct), it would be about $56 a night.  Unfortunately, a plane ticket might be a little bit ridiculous. 

    Also, I think the beach hut thing would be cool at some point.  Judging by the pictures, it looks like you are out in your beach hut.  It does not look like your typical tourist trap.  That definitely appeals to me.

    Then we talked about the idea of going to a resort.  I guess they are a great deal if you do the all inclusive.  The first one we looked at was the new Sandals Resort in the Bahamas.

    The place looks amazing.  Then I started reading about it on their website.  Apparently this is where many of the world's top CEOs, such as Steve Jobs, like to go.  Something tells me this might be out of our price range. 

    Doesn't the beach look beautiful?  I had to know how much it would be.  I am willing to pay a little bit more for a nicer product.  We figured our best bet would be to fly out of Baltimore, these are the prices for two people with airfare.

    Holy shit!  I am thinking you can probably buy a house on one of these islands for about $32,000.  The cheapest room option would be just under $10,000.  I doubt this is the destination in our future.

    Lindsey then said that she did the resort thing before with her family and that she really wanted to do a cruise.  If you remember, I had an awesome time on a cruise.  So, that is what we have decided, we want to take one of the longer cruises (preferably a seven day) to some part of the Caribbean.  Ideally, we would leave from Baltimore, that way we do not need to book a flight.  Sadly, it seems the Baltimore cruises are either really short, or past ten days (we only get ten days for vacation). 

    So, I am inviting all of you to think about joining us on a cruise.  I know that many of you will read this and go "oh, that does not mean me" and if you think that, you are an idiot.  This is an invitation to anyone and everyone.  If you are interested, leave me a comment and I will begin looking into group rates if we can get enough people.