'I bought a Liberty scarf'...

    Last night I popped into Liberty to check out their brand new scarf room... and what a treat it was! You are immediately greeted by an array of printed silks, mouth-watering colours and the softest cashmere's, all adorning every surface. It was like walking into an Aladdin's cave of luxurious accessories!

    A week of great events accompany the launch, with stylists from Vogue on hand last night, giving the latest scarf styling tips, by making use of a trunk full of beautiful pieces. As if that wasn't enough, there was also the chance to meet Christopher Kane and Jonathan Saunders, who were only too happy to have a chat! This decadent new scarf room is yet another reason to visit the store (like you needed another one). In the meantime check out their interactive gallery for a chance to win some goodies and to see the events taking place up until Sunday. 
    Alexander McQueen's unmistakable skull print
    i loved these gorgeous scarves by Michael Birch - Illustrative, eccentric, yet modern.