Old School London - Dinner + Theatre (+ Rain)

    It's very easy living in this city to forget the wonderful experiences that are on your doorstop. That's why the man and me decided to take it back to basics this week and have a true London experience - dinner and a play. There are so many fab plays to choose from all year round, but for us it had to be Arthur Miller’s All My Sons at the Apollo theatre (running until Oct 2nd), with David Suchet and Zoe Wanamaker in the starring roles. It was quite simply stunning, totally engrossing and brilliantly acted – Zoe Wanamaker was especially outstanding.
    To help digest the powerful play (and a big bowl of pasta) we took the scenic route to Waterloo through Whitehall. Typically the heavens opened, threatening to drown my ‘only worn on special occasions’ vintage Prada's - however being a pro, I had my trusty flats with me. It was also the perfect excuse to jump into St Stephens Tavern, a gorgeous old pub opposite Big Ben, for a sherry to warm the cockles. Oh I love London when it’s grey!