Festival Fun... Vintage at Goodwood

    When I first heard about Vintage at Goodwood (13th-15th August) earlier this year I remember thinking what a genius idea, this is my kind of festival! Dreamt up by the brilliant Wayne and Geradine Hemingway, the festival celebrates ‘5 decades of British cool’ by combining the best of music, fashion, design, dance, art and film from the 1940s – 1980s. It has a real ‘Best of British’ vibe with a respectful nod to the 1951 Festival of Britain albeit with a contemporary twist. This is a weekend long event in the style of old British camping holidays, where you can just pop along for the day or pitch up for the duration. There are options to suit all budgets from camping to glamping (i would opt for the gypsy caravans myself). Check out their amazing site as there is far too much happening and it would be rude for me to try and summarise. Happy Camping!