those Summer Cinema nights...

    The outdoor film experience is winding up for the what ironically looks to be one of the hottest weeks of the year! The Rooftop Film Club, Dalston Roof Park and The Scoop all have their final curtain call this Friday, so take advantage of these last few summer nights and get on it!
    Thanks to the free film screenings at The Scoop (outside City Hall on the South Bank), i have now joined the rest of the world in watching The Kings Speech. I'm glad i held out. The film was brilliant but the setting was spectacular, especially as night fell. i loved the sound of open air laughter, which you miss at other outdoor headphone wearing film venues. It was also a great place to people watch! There was such a varied guys arriving in their suits, braving the stone steps with their bare behinds, families with kids, friends, lovers, all mushed up together, making things nice and cosy. What i loved the most though, was that everyone brought their own supply of food, drink and cushions, even though there was a well stocked bar and £1- a -go pillows on hand. When did Londoner's become so frugal? Did it start in '08 with the 'R' word?? 
    Maybe it's my Northern roots, but i've been packing my own cinema picnic for years now, having become jaded with ridiculously priced revels and the lack of savory snacks - word of warning, sushi and cinema do not mix!But you knew that already, right?!
    The whole 'make do and munch' thing just made for a great community atmosphere. Although I did get a serious bout of snack envy. My sandwich, wine and wasabi pea combo was lame compared to take away pizzas and champagne. Next year i will to know what i'm up against!
    It's been a great summer of film.