Weird et al Humdinger: Breast Milk Ice Cream

    Icecreamists, the ice cream parlour in London's Covent Garden is selling breast milk ice cream at £14 a scoop. The product is called "Baby Gaga" (hilarious!) and the milk is bought from lactating mothers. The idea is to encourage more breast feeding and make people aware that breast milk can be tasty. Interesting that a lot of people's initial response to this is yuck! Yet we all drink cow milk. Icecreamists specialise in guerilla ice cream, great concept. You have to hand it to them, this breast milk strand is a clever way to promote their brand and get people talking. You may or may not try the "Baby Gaga" but you'll certainly be curious about their other products and you now know who they are. I love the name, it's funny and works on so many levels.