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Mad Men: The Other Woman

    This has been a fantastic season, and this episode was probably one of the better ones of the season.  It actually made me tear up a little at the end.  Naturally when something good happens at SCDP, then obviously something bad will happen to Don Draper.

    The firm seems to be on the verge of getting the Jaguar account, then Pete learns that one of the three voters will give them his support if he can sleep with Joan.  Pete brings this to the partners.  Naturally, Don objects because he believes the work is good enough to win the account.

    Ginsberg comes to Draper with a fantastic idea.  Oddly enough it was similar to the idea that Megan jokingly tossed out to Don in bed.  Anyways, after Don storms out of the partners meeting, the rest of them agree to talk to Joan.

    Joan is not up for it at first and in fact she is appalled that Pete would bring it up.  Then, she thinks about it and the $50,000 they offered her would pretty much take care of all her financial problems.  Then Lane talks to her and tells her that she should try to get a 5% partnership.  Obviously Lane is going that route because he cannot afford for her to get the $50,000, because he was probably hoping to use his bonus money to pay the company back. 

    Joan agrees to sleep with the guy and we see the nastiness happen.  There was a nice twist though, Don went to tell Joan not to do it and we are led to believe she was getting ready for the deed.  Instead, she had already done it and then she learned that Don had not voted on it. 

    The episode ends with SCDP getting the Jaguar contract and there being a huge celebration.  That is when Peggy wants to tell Don that she is leaving the company.  He tries to convince her to stay, also to apologize for his idiotic behavior earlier in the episode (he threw money at her and insulted her in front of everyone).

    Seriously, when Don kisses her hand and she leaves, it was probably one of the saddest television moments in years.  After all these seasons of Don hurting the women around him, he gets his heart crushed by Joan and Peggy. 

    I have a feeling Don will no longer see Joan the way he did before.  It will be sad times at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce...

Game of Thrones: Blackwater

    Holy crap this was a good episode!  I am glad they set the episode up the way they did.  Instead of jumping between different characters, the entire episode took place at King's Landing.  Tyrion leading the men against Stannis and Cersei being her typical bitchy self towards Sansa.  All sorts of great stuff happened.

    -I loved the way Bronn and The Hound sized each other up.  The Hound really thought he could take Bronn.  Then he sees him during the battle and realizes that Bronn is a true killer.  I only wish they would have done a better job showing that The Hound has a fear of fire since his brother burnt most of his face off.  Also, I liked Bronn in the books, but he is 23x better on the show.

    -The best line of the night had to be from The Hound though "If any man dies with a clean sword, I will rape his corpse."  Or maybe Tyrion's motivational speech at the end.  "Those are brave men out there.  Let's go kill them!"

    -I loved how they ended Tyrion.  No one knows whether or not he is alive or dead (I have been reading different sites and the comments seem mixed by people who have not read the books).  Those of us who read the books, know the truth.

    -Sansa's decision making skills have not improved.  She started out by lying about what happened with Joffrey and Arya.  She then turns down The Hound, who says he will return her to Winterfell.  When will she learn?

    -The wildfire scene was absolutely awesome.  I am sad they did not include the giant chain, but the fire worked much better. 

    -Joffrey loved watching people get burned, but then freaked out like the little bitch he is when he realized Stannis and his men were still going to take the city.  Instead of staying to rally his troops, he sends his guards to represent him in battle.  Robert would have been the first one down there, hell Jaime would have fought everyone himself, yet Joffrey runs away like a scared little girl.

    -Speaking of Stannis...I do not remember him being so badass in the book.  He cut a dude's head in half.  Also, he had to be pulled back when the battle was lost.

    -Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Tyrion was down, the gate was coming down.  In comes Loras Tyrell and Tywin Lannister to the rescue.  This is one of those things that was done better in the show.  We saw Littlefinger meet with Tywin and mention a wedding between Tyrell and Lannister, but it was never really mentioned if that would actually happen.  It was a little more spelled out in the book.

    So, what will happen next week?  Most likely focus on the other characters and we will not learn about the fate of Tyrion and King's Landing until next season.

Jubilee Fever

    Hamleys, Regent Street
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    Liberty, Argyle Street
    Asics, Carnaby Street
    an update on the famous James Glancy plug, Ganton Street