My First Pens Game

    Remember last week when someone posted an insane GOTW?  Well she took me to the Pen's opening game at the new arena.  This was my first game ever.  Allow me to say that it was simply amazing.  If I had money, I would definitely want season tickets.  Everyone says that there is nothing like going to a live game and those people are absolutely right.

    Those are the pictures I took with my phone.  Pretty awesome, eh?  If you want to see some better pictures go here and if you want a recap of the game, which was exciting even though the Pens lost, then go here.  You may be wondering how my girlfriend got such awesome seats.  Well, it turns out that her cousin is married to Brent Johnson and we got to sit where the families sit.  Pretty damn awesome.

    People keep asking me what I thought of the new arena, but in all honesty, I have no opinion.  It looked really cool, but I have nothing to compare it against.  It was much nicer than the Wells Fargo Center, which believe it or not, I was at the first Sixers game played there.  Pretty crazy.  I guess I have to go to another arena and then use that as a comparison.

    It was funny to hear some of the season ticket holders bitch about things.  That is Pittsburgh folks for ya, never happy.

    I do want to make fun of the guys sitting behind me.  They made me laugh all night long with their great commentary.  Anytime the Pens got the puck, they immediately said "shoot it boys" or "stop passing boys and just shoot."  I guess it is just that easy.  Calling them boys every time is what really did it for me though.